Reverse credit project invoices

For journalising credit invoices from Profit Projecten you can set Profit to enter the turnover as a negative amount in the credit column or to enter the turnover in the debit column.

Settings for reversing a credit project invoice:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Settings / Invoicing/stock.
  2. Go to the tab: General.
    • Select the Reverse negative invoices check box if Profit should enter the turnover as a negative amount in the credit column.
    • Deselect the Reverse negative invoices check box if Profit should enter the turnover as an amount in in the debit column.

Directly to

  1. Configure project invoice journalising
  2. Add the integration type for journalising project invoices
  3. Financial integration settings
  4. Add an integration account
  5. Set up an integration group
  6. Configure the reversal of credit project invoices
  7. Configure the allocation for project journalising
  8. Journalise cost centres from actual costing