Set up draft invoicing

Before you can use draft invoicing you first have to configure the functionality.

If you invoice based on drafts, when invoicing 'based on cost plus' you must always first add a draft before you can generate an invoice.

To set up draft invoicing:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Settings / Invoicing/stock.
  2. Go to the tab: Projects.
  3. Check the settings on this tab.
  4. Select the Invoice projects to all sales contacts check box if, during manual project invoicing, you want to be able to invoice random debtors for projects. If you do not select the check box, you can only invoice the debtor recorded in the project.
  5. Select a value for Invoicing method. You can choose whether you want to invoice per sales contact (multiple projects for one sales contact) or per project.


    If on the Projects tab you select the invoicing method Invoice per line, you cannot add new lines to an existing draft; a new draft will always be generated.

  6. Go to the tab: Drafts.
  7. Select the Invoice on the basis of drafts check box.
  8. In Compression method select how you want the draft lines to be compressed.

    The hours entered and cost lines can be compressed (aggregated) to multiple categories (compression codes). This compression method determines which data is to be placed together per unit.

    You can only select a rounding method in the following field if you choose the compression method Per text code. You can add this text and text code (item code).

  9. Select the rounding method.

    This field is only available if you have selected Per text code as the compression method. By selecting a rounding method, a rounding line is automatically generated in which the rounding of the amounts in the lines to be invoiced from the actual costing is saved.

  10. Select a value for Advance invoice cost type.

    If you create advance notes based on a manual project invoice or a subscription invoice, then Profit will automatically generate advance lines on a draft. These advance lines will then have the cost type selected here. You cannot manually change these advance lines but you can 'delay' them or 'write them off'.

  11. Select a text code in Advance invoice text if you want to compress the project invoices Per text code. Choose a text code to be used to compress the advance invoices. In this case, all advance lines on the draft are collected together as detail lines under one compressed line.
  12. Enter a description in Advance invoice descr.. This description is then copied to the advance lines as the description.
  13. Select the Render delayed lines invoiceable check box if an uncompressed line should automatically be given the processing status of F (Invoice) after the draft has been invoiced. If you do not select this check box, then all the lines with processing method D (Delay) remain unchanged and retain processing method D.
  14. Complete the remaining fields.
  15. Click on: OK.
  16. Click on Yes in the message

    De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen.

Directly to

  1. Configure draft invoicing
  2. Set up drafts
  3. Set a counter
  4. Set up a sales contact
  5. Custom fields in drafts