Draft for a sales contact

For each sales contact/debtor, you can deviate from the general settings used for drafts.You also specify the supply type (digitally via e-mail or printed on paper) of the draft invoices per sales contact.

To set up drafts for a sales contact:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Sales contact.
  2. Open the properties of the sales contact.
  3. Go to the tab: Draft settings.
  4. Complete the fields.
  5. Select the Compress entire invoice check box if you want to compress the invoice for the sales contact completely. Profit then prints only one line with the total amount of the invoice and the text from Compress text at total. In this case, Profit takes no account of the general setting for compressing per project, work type or text code when printing the invoice.
  6. Go to the tab: General.
  7. Check/select the Preferred issue method.

    You can, for example, e-mail the invoices as a pdf file and/or print them.

  8. Go to the tab: Debtor.
  9. Check if the following fields have been completed correctly:
    • VAT duty: Select the VAT duty of the sales contact here. When invoicing, the VAT percentage and the VAT amount are determined by the sales contact's VAT duty (among other things).
    • Deviating VAT rate group: Indicate here that a deviating VAT percentage applies to the sales contact in question. This means, for example, that if the high VAT rate applies to a work type by default, the low VAT rate still applies to the sales contact in question. You can specify the correct VAT reference for this in the work type. This arrangement applies to a number of sectors, including agriculture.
  10. Go to the tab:Invoicing.
  11. In Invoice to, select a deviating sales contact if you want to invoice a deviating sales contact. This way, for a company with multiple branches, you can send invoices to the head office but deliver the goods to the relevant branch.

    If you enter a deviating sales contact in this field, you can also enter a deviating contact person of this sales contact as a deviating contact person for a sales invoice.

  12. Go to the tab: Digital.
  13. Set the supply type for the draft invoices if this differs from the preferred supply type that you have set on the General tab.
    1. Click on the action: Maintain.

      At the top of the window you see the general issue method and the contact person for this sales contact.

      Pro_Verkooprelatie/debiteur inrichten voor projectfacturering (10)

    2. Select the Report type:, in this case Project invoice, for which you want to set a deviating contact person and/or deviating issue method.
    3. Select the Issue method.
    4. Select the Contact.
    5. Click on: Finish.
  14. If you are using instalment invoices and drafts, you can also set the issue method for these.
  15. Click on: OK.

    In the sales contact profile (via General / Configuration / Integration settings / Sales contact profile), you can set up a default report for the layout of the draft invoice.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure draft invoicing
  2. Set up drafts
  3. Set a counter
  4. Set up a sales contact
  5. Custom fields in drafts