Link an hour type to a work type

You can link Hour type to Work type using custom configuration. This way, Profit can enter an hour type automatically if, when entering hours/actual costing, you select a work type to which an hour type is linked.

To add a custom field to a Work type link:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Management tool.l
  2. Open the Item function group.
  3. Click on: Yes.
  4. In the window at left, select file: Work type.

    Pro_Urensoort koppelen aan werksoort (10)

  5. Click on: New. (on the Fields tab in the window at right).

    Pro_Urensoort koppelen aan werksoort (20)

  6. Select File link in Field type.
  7. Enter Hour type in Label and Column text.
  8. Select Hour type in Link to files.
  9. Click on: Finish.
  10. Click on: Cancel.
  11. Go to the tab: Tabs in the window at right.
  12. Click on: New.

    Pro_Urensoort koppelen aan werksoort (30)

  13. Enter Hour type in Tab name:.
  14. Double-click on the Hour type field in the column at left. This now moves to the column at right.
  15. Click on: OK.

    Profit starts the Authorisation tool automatically:

  16. Go to the tab: Group maintenance in the window at left.
  17. Select the user group/user that is permitted to maintain the Hour type field for the work type.

    Pro_Urensoort koppelen aan werksoort (40)

  18. In the window at right, select Hour type and select Maintain.
  19. Close the Authorisation tool.
  20. Close the Management tool.
  21. Click on Yes in the message.

    This environment automatically opens again with the new settings.

To maintain and view a linked hour type for a work type:

You now have access to the Hour type field in the properties of a work type.

  1. Go to: Projects / Item / Work type.
  2. Open the work type's properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Hour type.

    You see the new Hour type tab with the Hour type field.

    Pro_Urensoort koppelen aan werksoort (60)

  4. Enter the hour type.

If you select this work type when you enter hours/actual costing, Profit automatically enters this hour type.

To change the ‘Actual costing by line’ entry layout:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Entry layout.
  2. Select the entry layout that you use to enter hours/actual costing, such as Actual costing per line (Profit).
  3. Go to the tab: Line fields.

    Pro_Urensoort koppelen aan werksoort (50)

  4. Select the Hour type field.
  5. In Copy from: select the Hour type field from Item / Work type (Internal) / Hour type:
  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Basic master data
  2. Add an employee (Projects)
  3. Project group
  4. Project phase
  5. Items
  6. Work type
  7. Costs
  8. Hour type
  9. Link an hour type to a work type
  10. Integration group
  11. Authorise a project using a forecast