Complete the actual costing

The project has been sold, the PCs have been delivered and the consultant spent 40 hours configuring the machines and then another 80 hours implementing the software. He entered his hours every day in the actual costing per line.

To complete the actual costing:

In this example you complete the actual costing.

  1. Go to: Projects / Actual costing / Actual costing per line.
  2. Select the entry layoutNacalculatie per regel per project.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Enter a value in Year.
  5. Select a value for Period.
  6. Select the project. 300157.

    Profit automatically enters the employee CasG.

  7. Press: F5.
  8. Add an actual costing line for every day worked, starting by entering 8 hours for 5 days on work type 300 (the first working week of the current period) and then 8 hours for 10 days on work type 302 (the second and third week of the current period). The result looks as follows:


    You can copy the preceding line using the New button:


  9. Click on: Finish.

    You return to the fields in the selection part of the window.

  10. Close the entry window by clicking on Cancel from the selection part of the window.
  11. Go to: Projects / Actual costing / Approve actual costing.
  12. Open the view: Nog te accorderen.
  13. Select the actual costing lines for project 300157.
  14. Click on the action: Approve.
  15. Open the view: Nog gereed te melden.
  16. Select the actual costing lines for Bureau Werklust B.V..
  17. Click on the action: Report ready.

Directly to

  1. Integration of Projects and Order management
  2. Set up the integration of Projects and Order management
  3. Set up not invoicing and charging
  4. Add a quotation for sales
  5. Finalise a cost estimate
  6. Add a project slip
  7. Report a project slip ready
  8. Copy a cost estimate/quotation to the actual costing
  9. Complete the actual costing
  10. View a quotation, actual costing and project slip
  11. Projects/Order management purchasing process