View a quotation, actual costing and project slip

You can view the integration between Profit Projecten and Profit Order management with the data from the quotation, actual costing and project slip in the properties of the project or on the project invoice.

Three references (aliases) have been added to the data collection for invoice lines:

  • Associated line to be invoiced
  • Associated actual costing line
  • Corresponding project slip line

An additional alias has been added to the data collection for actual costing line approvals:

  • Corresponding project slip line

This allows you to use and display data from the project slip. For example, you can then show the associated packing slip number on the report for the project invoice.

You can add the Corresponding project slip line field to the Actual costing overview view and on the Actual costing tab in the properties of a project. You can now also find the packing slip number corresponding to packing slips you process in the actual calculation. This way, you can distinguish between what has and has not been delivered via Order management and under which packing slip number.

If you want to display these fields, add them to the report (for example, for the project invoice) or view (for example, actual costing or approve actual costing) yourself.


These aliases only work if you DO NOT use drafts.

To view a quotation, actual costing and project slip from the project properties:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the project properties Installatie en implementatie systeem Bureau Werklust B.V. (300157).
  3. Go to the tab: Cost estimate.

    You see all the lines that you have entered for the project via the cost estimate and quotations.

  4. Go to the tab: Actual costing.

    Here you also see the hours and the article(s) sold.

    You can adjust this view as you see fit and add fields to it. For example, you can add the field 'Packing slip number' from the Corresponding project slip line table.

    You can also export the data shown in this view to Microsoft Excel.

  5. Go to the tab: Project slip.

    Here you see the packing slip that you created using the Creating a project slip action:

Directly to

  1. Integration of Projects and Order management
  2. Set up the integration of Projects and Order management
  3. Set up not invoicing and charging
  4. Add a quotation for sales
  5. Finalise a cost estimate
  6. Add a project slip
  7. Report a project slip ready
  8. Copy a cost estimate/quotation to the actual costing
  9. Complete the actual costing
  10. View a quotation, actual costing and project slip
  11. Projects/Order management purchasing process