Add a recurring promotional price

You can have a certain promotion recur weekly (repeating) whereby you copy the promotional prices and discounts.

In this procedure you can also read 'promotional discount' instead of 'promotional price'.

Enter a frequency when copying.


There is a promotional price with 10-10-2012 as the start and end date. If you enter 7 as the frequency in the wizard, Profit will add new promotional prices when copying this promotional price, with start and end dates of 17-10-2012, 24-10-2012, 31-10-2012, etc.

Profit adds the promotional prices or discounts until the specified end date. If the end date falls within the last promotional period, Profit does add the relevant promotional price. Furthermore, if the end date of the last promotional/discount price is after the end date entered then the promotional/discount price is still created.


If you have specified 31-10-2012 as the end date, the last promotional price Profit added in the previous example, is the promotional price with 31-10-2012 as start date.

Add a recurring promotional price (promotional discount):

  1. Go to: 
    • Order Management / Sales / Price/discount / Promotional price
    • Order Management / Sales / Price/discount / Promotional discount
    • Order Management / Purchase / Price/Discount / Promotional price
    • Order Management / Purchase / Price/Discount / Promotional discount
  2. Select the promotional price (or discount) that you want to repeat.
  3. Click on the action: Recurring promotional price (or Recurring promotional discount).
  4. Enter the Frequency. This field determines the date on which Profit adds the promotional price again.
  5. Enter the End date indicating when the promotional price ends. The end date cannot be earlier than the start date of the promotional price you are about to copy and cannot be later than one year after the start date of the promotional price you are about to copy. 
  6. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Promotional price (sales)
  2. Configuration
  3. Add a promotional price
  4. Maintain a promotional price
  5. Add a recurring promotional price
  6. Add a promotional price to a price list (sales)