Maintain a promotional (sales) price

You can maintain promotional prices using an entry layout. This gives you an overview of (a selection of) all current (promotional) prices and you can enter new (promotional) prices directly. Here you have the option of adding multiple (promotional) prices from one window: the entry layout.

Profit automatically adds promotional prices to the basic price list.

As soon as you add a sales order, Profit selects the correct (promotional) price on the basis of the order date.

To maintain a promotional price via the entry layout:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales / Price/discount / Promotional price.
  2. Click on the action: Maintain.

    You then see the entry layout for maintaining (promotional) prices.

  3. If applicable, enter a selection in the entry layout header.
  4. Click on: Select.

    You see the current (promotional) prices for the articles that meet your selection criteria.

    You see the details of the current (promotional) price in the columns with the addition ‘cur’. In the columns marked 'nw’, you can record new (promotional) prices.

  5. Enter the new (promotional) prices in the Price nw column.
  6. If applicable, change the start date in the New start date column.
  7. In the End date nw column, enter the end date of the new (promotional) price, if it is already known.
  8. Select the New ladder check box if you want to add a new promotional volume price.
    1. Press 'Tab' or 'Enter' until you get to the next line.

      An entry window appears.

    2. Enter the ladder.
    3. Click on: Finish
    4. Do this for each article in the entry layout.
  9. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Promotional price (sales)
  2. Configuration
  3. Add a promotional price
  4. Maintain a promotional price
  5. Add a recurring promotional price
  6. Add a promotional price to a price list (sales)