Change prices collectively
You can change a large number of prices at one time using Edit prices collectively.
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Using Edit prices collectively, you can change the prices of a large number of articles with a calculation. You can increase prices with a positive percentage or amount and you can also reduce prices with a negative percentage or amount.
If you want to change the prices collectively and you have entered the prices on the same day then Profit Order management will not recognise the prices that have been entered. In order to change them collectively, you must wait a day or advance the system date by one day.
The Edit prices collectively action can be run only once per day.
- Change basic prices collectively
You can change prices collectively by using a calculation. You can enter a positive or negative percentage for the calculation.
- Change cost prices/settlement prices collectively
You can change the cost price and settlement price collectively. This can be done through the general calculation methods or alternatively, through Average Purchase Price (APP) and the Last Purchase Price (LPP). LPP can also be used for collectively changing the sales price.
- An example of resetting the cost price collectively to zero
You can reset the prices of a number of articles simultaneously (temporarily) to zero.