Discount group (sales)

You can add discounts and promotional discounts to a discount group. You can then link a discount group to one or more sales contacts.



In the discounts level structure, the discount group has the third priority. This means that if discounts have been specified at a higher level, for example a discount group for a sales contact, then this discount takes precedence over the discount group.

You can use the wizard to add discount groups whereby you can specify all the fields. Alternatively, you can add discount groups using the Profit entry layout. This will give you an overview of the existing discount groups and it is a simple and quick task to change existing discount groups or add new ones.


  • Add a discount group

    When adding a discount group, you specify the start date and the currency for the discount group.

  • Maintain a discount group

    You can maintain discount groups using an entry layout. You then have an overview of (a selection of) all current discount groups and you can add a new discount group directly. You can also add multiple (basic) discounts from one single screen, the entry layout.

Also see