Add a price to a price list (sales)

After you have added the price list, you can add a price to the price list. You can do this from the properties of the price list.

When adding a price to a price list, you enter the item, unit, currency and start date of the price. You can let the price be calculated, enter your own price or add a volume price. You can also specify how discounts are dealt with and whether the price is a fixed price.

To add a price to a price list:

  1. Go to: 
    • Order Management / Sales / Price/Discount / Price list
    • Order Management / Purchase / Price/Discount / Price list.
  2. Open the properties of the price list to which you want to add a price.
  3. Go to the tab: Prices.
  4. Click on: New

    This wizard for the new price is the same as for adding a sales price.

Directly to

  1. Price list (sales)
  2. Configuration
  3. View the basic price list
  4. Add a price list
  5. Add a price to the price list
  6. Maintain a price list
  7. Copy a price list
  8. Add a promotional price to the price list