Configure the integration type for Multiple stock administrations

If you have activated the Stock in multiple administrations functionality and you have linked warehouses to different administrations, you usually configure two integration types.

You use integration types to define how you want to journalise certain functionality in Profit Financieel. In the integration type you indicate in which journal the stock journal entries should be placed and the description to be applied in the journal entries.

For each administration in which you hold stock, configure the integration type Stock.

See also: Configure the integration type for multiple administrations, one of which with stock

Stock_Inrichting voorr meer adm_2maal voorraad adm1

If you maintain stock in both administration A and administration B and invoices are also journalised for the other administration in both of them, you have to add the integration types to both administrations:

  • Stock (07)
  • Voorraad Rekening Courant (13)

If you transfer stock from one administration to the other, in both administrations you must enter Current account for stock transfer in integration type Stock.

For the addition and configuration of integration types, you must be authorised.

To configure integration type 'stock' for multiple stock administrations:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select a Administration.
  4. In Integration type select Stock.
  5. Select the journal in which the journal entries have to be entered. Depending on the integration type selected, you must select a journal of the type Voorraadboek or Day book.
  6. Select the journal in which the credit notes must be entered. Depending on the integration type selected, you must select a journal of the type Voorraadboek or Day book.
  7. For integration type Stock the default description is the description that is used in Financial.
  8. In CA sales cost price, select the correct ledger account if you supply goods from this administration and the invoices for them are entered in another administration.
  9. If necessary, in CA stock transfer select the appropriate ledger account if you are going to transfer stock to another administration.
  10. Click on: Finish

To configure the integration type Voorraad Rekening Courant for multiple stock administrations:

If you supply goods from one administration and enter the corresponding invoices into another administration, then also configure the administrations for the integration type 13 Voorraad Rekening Courant. For the Stock integration type (07) you must then record the settlement account for the stock transfer.

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select the Administration.
  4. Select Integration type 13 - Voorraad Rekening Courant.
  5. Select the journal in which the journal entries have to be entered. Depending on the integration type selected, you must select a journal of the type Voorraadboek or Day book.
  6. For integration type Stock the default description is the description that is used in Financial.
  7. In CA sales cost price select the appropriate ledger account.
  8. In CA stock transfer select the appropriate ledger account.
  9. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Configure stock in multiple stock administrations
  2. Activate stock in multiple administrations and other relevant functions
  3. Configure integration types
  4. Link warehouses to the correct administration
  5. Journalise stock entries
  6. Example of journal entries in purchasing
  7. Example of journal entries in sales
  8. Example of journal entries for manual transfers