Add reasons for the termination of subscriptions

As soon as you terminate a subscription or subscription line in Profit by entering an end date, you can select the reason which the sales contact has given for the termination.

On the basis of your policy, define which lines you need to be able to create a good ‘termination analysis’. In doing so do not only consider things like bankruptcy or death, but also a transfer to another subscription.

To add a reason for terminating a subscription:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Custom table.
  2. Open the (custom) table properties.Reason of termination.
  3. If necessary, go to the General tab and select the Maintain in search window check box if you want to maintain the table when searching.

    When selecting a reason for the termination of a subscription you can then directly add a new reason to the table.

  4. Go to the tab: Value.

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    You now see the reasons which Profit Subscriptions contains as defaults.

  5. Click on: New.
  6. Enter the Code for the reason for termination.
  7. Enter a value inDescription.
  8. Click on: Finish
  9. Click on: Finish
  10. Exit the table using Cancel and OK.

Directly to

  1. Subscriptions configuration
  2. Configuration of Profit Financial
  3. Subscriptions configuration sequence
  4. Articles and authorisation integration
  5. Authorise subscriptions
  6. Add subscription types
  7. Add reasons for terminating a subscription
  8. Set preferred values for subscriptions
  9. Subscription numbering
  10. Set up the immediate addition of another subscription
  11. Configure Subscriptions in InSite
  12. Integration with Profit Financial
  13. Add a subscription article
  14. Sales contact profile for a subscription
  15. Configure a sales contact for a subscription
  16. Import subscriptions