Change deviating subscription line prices collectively

You can change the deviating prices in the lines of the subscriptions and assembled items collectively.

Profit processes the collective changes immediately. After the changes, previously deviating data will be synchronised. You cannot undo this. You can, however, run another change action. We recommend you make a backup copy before you change the data in this way. It may also be useful to start by printing an overview of the deviating data you are going to change.

Using these functions you change deviating article prices in subscriptions recorded for sales contacts. In doing so you do not change the default prices of the articles themselves.

You can change the prices collectively by a percentage, a fixed amount or by copying the price from a standard price. You can only complete one of these fields.

To change prices of subscription lines collectively:

  1. Go to: 
    • Subscriptions / Management / Edit collectively / Prices subscription lines.
    • Subscriptions / Management / Edit collectively / Assembled item line prices.
  2. Select the subscriptions that you want to change.
  3. Click on the action: Change different prices.
    1. Enter a value in Percentage, if you want to increase or decrease the prices using a percentage. In order to lower the prices you specify the percentage with a minus sign.


    For example, if you want to increase the prices by 10% you enter 10 in this field.

    1. Enter a value in Fixed amount, if you want to increase or decrease the prices by an amount. In order to lower the prices you specify the amount with a minus sign.


    For example, if you want to increase the prices by € 2 you enter 2 in this field.

    1. Select Copy from article if you want to copy the default prices of the articles to the prices in the subscriptions. You therefore indicate that you no longer want to use deviating prices but that the default price applies henceforth.
  4. Select a value for Rounding if you want to round the amounts and you change them using a percentage or a fixed amount.
  5. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Change a subscription
  2. Add subscription lines
  3. Collectively change subscriptions
  4. Change deviating subscription line prices collectively