Configure an employer (absence to actual costing)

You link the hour types for the integration of absence and occupational therapy-based absence to the employer.

To link hour types for the absence integration to an employer:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Integration.
  4. Select the hour types for absence and occupational therapy.

    If you select an hour type for public holidays, Profit generates an actual costing line for a public holiday as soon as an employee is absent on the public holiday and this day is in the timetable.

  5. Select a work type and a project. These data are only used for the integration with actual costing.
  6. Select the Integrate actual costing to Payroll check box.

    This integrates the Profit HR leave and/or absence entry to Profit Payroll.

  7. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Absence to project actual costing
  2. Activate absence integration
  3. Add hour types
  4. Configure an employer
  5. Integrate absence on days closed with actual costing
  6. View the actual costing of absence
  7. Actual costing lines for absence to Payroll