Add hour types (absence to actual costing)

You add hour types of the Absence type. Per employer you can link separate hour types for absence and for occupational therapy-based absence:

  • If you have enabled the absence integration, the hour type for absence is mandatory (in the properties of all employers in the environment).
  • The hour type for occupational therapy is not mandatory. For the employer you can use the same hour type for both absence and occupational therapy or different hour types.

To add hour types for the project integration of absence:

  1. Go to:
    • Projects / Project / Hour type.
    • HR / Payroll / Configuration / Hour type, if you do not have Profit Projecten.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Enter a code and description.
  4. Select Absence for Hour type.

    Add an hour type of the Qualifying day type if you want to channel qualifying days to the time registration.

  5. Select the Blocked for manual entry check box to prevent employees from manually entering actual costing lines on this hour type.
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Click on: Next.
  8. Click on the action: Integration Payroll if you want to channel the absence data to Profit Payroll.
    1. Per CLA select a wage component and a parameter in hours.

      You only see the activated wage components with the entry level Allow entries via entry program.

      If you want to channel qualifying day hours to Profit Payroll, you link the 100.000.211 'Wachtdaguren' wage component to the hour type using the 'Aantal' parameter.

    2. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Absence to project actual costing
  2. Activate absence integration
  3. Add hour types
  4. Configure an employer
  5. Integrate absence on days closed with actual costing
  6. View the actual costing of absence
  7. Actual costing lines for absence to Payroll