Authorise views

Using the view authorisation, you can limit the access to certain views to specific user groups or users. Additionally, there are a few options per authorisation group or user that apply to all the views.


When authorising views, you must make a distinction between administration and use:

  • Manage views

    The following aspects are part of view management: adding views, changing or deleting your own views, changing view properties and exporting and importing view definitions. If a user is authorised for view management, the user can manage views in all menu items to which he/she has access.

  • Display a view

    A function can contain various views: Profit views as well as your own. When an employees starts a function, he has access to all the views of this function. You can limit the access so that users can only see specific views.

    If no employees is allowed to display a particular view, you block the view in question. You manage the access to views using filter authorisation. This allows you to specify per view which authorisation groups have access to the view. For this purpose, you use definition authorisation, as is the case for reports, analyses and documents. The only difference is that you have to enable the definition authorisation per view. Obviously you have to set up the correct properties for the view in question.

    You specify per authorisation group or user whether they are allowed to manage these views and whether they can export the views to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.


Exporting and importing a view definition is not the same as exporting a view to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel:

  • When exporting and importing a view definition, you can export and import your own views (i.e., your own view definitions) in a different environment. A view definition determines among other things the columns (fields) that are visible in a view and any built-in filters.
  • In addition, you can export the information (data) shown in a view to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

Effective rights per user:

  • If a user is authorised for view management, the user can manage views in all menu items to which he/she has access.
  • If a user has access to a certain function, he/she can have access to certain views of that function on the basis of filter authorisation.
  • If a user has (general) authorisation to export to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel and has access to a certain view, he/she can also export the data in this view.
  • Authorise view management

    You authorise the management of views. With this, you specify which users can add, change or delete views. This authorisation applies for all views in Profit.

  • Authorise exporting of views

    You record who may export views to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. This authorisation applies to all the views in Profit.

  • Filter authorisation for views

    Via filter authorisation for views you can determine that users can only view specific views.

Also see