Preparation of Profit Connectors (AFAS Online)
You create a test user to build and test connectors.
From the moment you start using the connectors in your production environment, authentication is carried out using tokens (instead of user name/password). For this you need to configure App connector.
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Add a connector user
You add the connector user.
To add a connector user:
- Start Profit.
- Log in to the environment.
- Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
- Go to: User / New system user.
- Enter the user name in the User field.
- Enter the description.
- Enter the password.
The connector user must always have a strong password, even if you are not using this functionality.
- Click on: Next.
- Select the Connector check box.
If the user also needs access to other components, select the check boxes for those as well. Select the Command line check box if the connector is called from the Command Line Utility.
- Click on: Finish.
Authorise a connector user
GetConnectors, reports and analyses are definitions. You can authorise these separately. If you use definition authorisation, you must perform the below procedure.
This procedures enable all authorisation filters for the connector user. Its gives the connector user access to all definitions (and consequently to analyses, reports, etc). You can limit the access of the connector user by setting and authorising the filters.
To authorise a connector user:
- Go to the tab: User maintenance.
- Select the connector user.
- Go to the tab: Authorisation.
- Go to: General / Management / Definition / Filters.
- Select Filter active.
This authorises all filters for this user. If this is not what you want, only activate the relevant filters.
You must authorise these filters because they apply to views with definitions, including the views with GetConnectors. The filter authorisation determines the connectors that the connector user can run.
If the Filters option is not available, you must first configure the filters.
- If you expand the folders with filters, you can see that they are authorised.
- Close the Authorisation tool. You do not have to log on again.
Restrict the authorisation to GetConnectors
You determine that the connector user is allowed to run GetConnectors, but should not have access to reports, analyses, etc. This prevents the connector user from running reports and analyses from the command line. After all, this user can only run GetConnectors.
Connector user is only allowed to run GetConnectors:
- Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
- Go to: Extra / Data filter maintenance (or click on
- Select the filter type General - Execute definition (report, analysis, document, etc.).
- Click on: Add.
- Enter the description.
- Select According to filter.
- Record a filter on the GetConnector definition type (code 8).
- Click on: OK.
- Click on: Close.
- Go to the tab: User maintenance.
- Select the connector user.
- Go to the tab: Authorisation.
- Select the filter.
- Select Filter active.
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