Call an UpdateConnector using SOAPUI (local installation)

You use SOAPUI to call an UpdateConnector.

You can find all endpoints on this page.

SOAPUI must retrieve the 'wsdl' of the Web services. That is why you see '?wsdl' indication after the URL.

To call an UpdateConnector using SOAPUI:

  1. Start SOAPUI.
  2. Go to: 'File / New SOAPUI Project'.
  3. Enter the project name.
  4. Enter the URL of the web service in 'Initial WSDL/WADL' (see the table).

    App_Conn SOAPUI gebruiken voor GetConnector - Nieuw project

  5. Click on: OK.

    The project is added.

    App_Conn SOAPUI gebruiken voor GetConnector - Nieuw project

  6. Double-click on 'Request 1' (under 'Projects / <Naam project> / UpdateConnectorSoap / Execute').

    You see the fields you have to complete for the SOAP call. Where question marks are displayed, enter the data for the call.

  7. Copy this text:


  8. Paste this text between the tags <urn:token> ... </urn:token>.

    You use a CDATA statement to indicate that you are going to insert some text in the SOAP code, which should be regarded as text.

  9. In SOAPUI, paste the token between the tags, as in the image.
  10. Complete the remaining fields.
    • connectorType: External name of the UpdateConnector (see the descriptions of the UpdateConnectors for the correct name).
    • connectorVersion: 1
    • DataXml: XML to run the UpdateConnector (you can generate it using the XSD Schema tool)
  11. You use a CDATA statement to indicate that you are going to insert some text in the SOAP code, which should be regarded as text.


    XML code of the connector


  12. Paste the XML code in SOAPUI, as in the image.

    App_Conn SOAPUI gebruiken voor GetConnector - Nieuw project

  13. Click on: 'Submit request to specific endpoint URL'.

    This runs the UpdateConnector in Profit.

    App_Conn SOAPUI gebruiken voor GetConnector - Nieuw project

    The request is run.

    If the request is completed successfully, the following message appears on the 'Raw' tab:

    HTTP /1.1 200 OK

    Specific Profit data is not returned.

    App_Conn SOAPUI gebruiken voor GetConnector - Nieuw project

    If the request could not be completed, an error message appears.

Directly to

  1. Call Profit Connectors using SOAPUI
  2. Download and install SOAPUI
  3. Call a GetConnector
  4. Call a GetConnector with a filter
  5. Call an UpdateConnector
  6. Interpret error messages in SOAP