Endpoints for Profit Connectors (SOAP/XML and REST/JSON)
Overview of all endpoints and the required version of TLS.
In the weekend of August 7, 8 en 9, 2020 the IP-addresses of connectors (SOAP and REST) have changed. This change took place to improve the contunuity of the connector platform. This change also applies to the PCC.
If you use white listing on specific IP-addresses, it is important to check of the new IP-addresses are allowed. For this, contact your system administrator. If you don't use white listing, or if you've whitelisted our IP-range (, than this change will have NOimpact.
Please view the new IP-addresses in the tables below. For production and test, the current IP-address will be changed to a range. This means the IP-address may change to another IP-adres in the same range.
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Overview of the URLs (endpoints) and IP-addresses of the Profit Webservices.
If you use whitelisting on your own system, release the following IP-adresses.
URLs PRODUCTION-environments
The environment name of a Production envrionment always starts with the letter O, for instance (O12345AA). Use only the digits (12345) in the URL.
Endpoints en IP-adressen |
https://12345.soap.afas.online/profitservices IP-range: thru |
https://12345.rest.afas.online/profitrestservices IP-range: thru |
URLs TEST-environments
The environment name of a Test envrionment always starts with the letter T, for instance (T12345AA). Use only the digits (12345) in the URL.
Endpoints en IP-adressen |
https://12345.soaptest.afas.online/profitservices IP-address: thru |
https://12345.resttest.afas.online/profitrestservices IP-address: thru |
URLs ACCEPT-environments
The environment name of an Accept envrionment always starts with the letter A, for instance (A12345AA). Use only the digits (12345) in the URL.
Endpoints en IP-adressen |
https://12345.soapaccept.afas.online/profitservices IP-address: |
https://12345.restaccept.afas.online/profitrestservices IP-address: |
TLS1.2 is required for use of the endpoints below. A number of limited cipher suites are available within this context, but they do offer the widest possible support for different clients. An ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) certificate is used within this context so that the strong encryption is not at the expense of speed.
Check if the external applications support TLS 1.2. If not, this could lead to error messages.
AFAS only supports One-way SSL, it isn't possible to use Two-way SSL for connectors.
Configure Powershell scrips for TLS 1.2
When you use Powershell to call connectors (get en update), you will probably use the following standard PowerShell Commandlets:
TLS 1.2 is a minimum requirement for the connector eindpoints. These standard PowerShell commandlets will not transfer automatically to TLS 1.2 (but only as from .NET 4.6), therefore you should modify the script. If you don't do so, you may get the following error message.
Invoke-WebRequest : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
At line:1 char:1
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://12345.rest.afas.online/"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
You can solve this by forcing TLS 1.2 in the script. Paste the following line before the call of the connector endpoint:
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
This line should be inserted before calling the connector endpoint See also this documentation.
Sample of the script without the change:
Sample of the script with the change::
Also see
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