Rename a city/place of birth

If you want to use the foreign name for a city instead of the Dutch name, then you can rename the city.


In the correspondence with your contacts in Parijs, you want to use Paris.

If you just want to change the name of a city, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Country settings / City.
  2. Select a city.
  3. Click on the action: Rename city.
  4. Select Change.
  5. Enter a value in City to . This is the new name for the city.
  6. Click on: Finish.

    The changed name is incorporated into all addresses. In all addresses, the old name is replaced by the description in City to.

Directly to

  1. City/Place of Birth
  2. Add a city
  3. Rename a city
  4. Merge cities