Field presentation

You can change both field names and the presentation of the content of a field. In addition to this, you can block a field so it is not shown in a view.


Change the field format

In certain fields, you can determine the presentation of the field value yourself:

Field type



Option field


<Standard format> (check box)

Y/N, Yes/No, True/False, On/Off, 1/0

Date field

Customer since

Date (YYYYMMDD), Year, Day of the month, etc.

Text fields


<Standard format>, Start with upper-case letter, Start with lower-case letter, Upper-case letters only, Lower-case only

To customise a field format:

In this example you customise the field format of the Creditor field. By default, this is a check box in the view indicating whether the organisation/person is also a debtor. A check box can have two values: selected (=yes) or not selected (=no). For this reason, instead of a check box, you can also include the values Yes or No in the view.

  1. Select the Creditor field.
  2. Click in the Format column.
  3. Click on the arrow or press F8.
  4. Select Date (long).
  5. Click on: OK.

  6. Click on  Yes if Profit reports that the new field is of a different type from the old one, which means filters will no longer be valid.
  7. Click on: Yes.
  8. Click on: Next.
  9. Example: Click on:.

    Now you see that the field format of the Creditor field has been customised.

  10. Click on: Close.
  11. Click on: Previous.
Change a column and field description

Once you have added a field to the data collection, you can change the field name and the column title. The field name is used in reports (for instance): if you drag a field into a report, Profit displays the field name. The column titles are displayed in views.

To change a column and field description:

In this example you change the column title of the Telephone field.

  1. Click in the Column title column for phone.
  2. Enter the description, such as Tel.Nr.

  3. Click on: Next.
  4. Click on: Example.

    The column description has been customised:

  5. Click on: Close.
  6. Click on: Previous.
Show/hide fields

You can hide a field if it should not be displayed in, for example, views. This is particularly useful if you want to filter the data collection by a field, but do not want to show the field itself in the view.

To show/hide a field:

In this example you hide the Address field.

  1. Deselect the Visible check box for Address.

  2. Click on: Next.
  3. Click on: Example.
  4. Note that in the view the Address column is no longer visible.

  5. Click on: Close.
  6. Click on: Previous.
  7. Select the Visible check box for the address field.

Directly to

  1. Data collections
  2. Check the authorisation
  3. Select a data collection
  4. Specify a field set
  5. Presentation of fields
  6. Calculations on fields
  7. Aggregate data
  8. Apply a filter
  9. Check a data collection