Dashboard Courses

The dashboard provides insight into courses, course revenue and course attendance. Furthermore, you will of course find insights from the participants. In the dashboard, you can easily switch between courses or sessions. This way you can decide which insights are important to you.

If you want to use the dashboard to its fullest, set your objectives (budget) in the KPI table Course: Training/event budget.


If you are authorised for the InSite page of a dashboard, you can view the dashboard.

See also:


Overview worksheet

By default, you will see the current year's overview here. You can even choose to see the previous year. This worksheet is divided into three columns.


  • Calculation: Number of participants registered/maximum number of participants that can be registered Cancelled sessions are not included.
  • Here you will find the utilisation rate for the current year (up to and including today). In the adjacent table, it is also compared to the same period of last year as well as to the entire previous year.
  • You can also see in the chart the utilisation rate per month compared to the utilisation rate of that month the year before.


  • Calculation: Total of the line amount of the invoices/your set KPI budget
  • The current year's revenue is plotted against the current year's established budget in the chart. If it is not entered, a 0 value will be shown here.
  • You also see the KPI target, i.e. the set budget and the realisation, therefore the revenue. By dividing these by each other, you arrive at the percentage in the chart.
  • The chart shows the realisation per month compared to the target.


  • Calculation meter: Here you can see the number of participants compared to last year. Cancelled sessions are not included in the count. If you selected the current year, you will see all participants up to and including today compared to the same period of the previous year. You can also see these values in the table next to it.
  • You can also see in the chart the number of participants per month compared to the number of participants of that month the year before.

From this main worksheet you can continue to click to access the other worksheets. You will find the "home" button on all these other worksheets that you can use to return to this worksheet.

Courses worksheet

By default, you view the uptake historically. You can also choose to view the future uptake or just everything.

  • Historical: course or session date is in the past and not today
  • Future: course or session date is in the future or equal to today
  • All: calculations do not take into account the course or session date

Cancelled sessions are not included in the calculations on the Uptake worksheet.

KPI: Number of courses (dashboard)

The number of courses/sessions given.

KPI Average revenue per course/session

This is the sum of the line amounts from the invoice divided by the number of courses/sessions.

Ring chart

The ring chart shows the distribution of courses/sessions by course type. You define this for each course. You can decide whether you want to see the breakdown in numbers or as an amount. Therefore, how many of a type of course was given relative to the total courses/sessions given.

Number of courses/sessions organised chart

Here you can see the sum of all courses/sessions in a year. Depending on your choice, historical, future or all. If a course is given several times, it will also be counted several times.

How do the courses/sessions run table

We want to show how the courses run in this table. Is it going well or not so well. This can be related to several components, that is, how often is this course given, but also what is the attendance rate and revenue of this course. By default, it is sorted by "Number of times given" and, by clicking on another table, you can influence the sorting. If, for example, you find revenue or attendance more relevant. The greener the bullet, the more often the course/session was given or the higher the revenue.

  • Number of times given: Sum of the number of courses/sessions
  • Uptake: Number of participants registered/maximum number of participants that can be registered
  • Revenue: The sum of the line amount

Uptake worksheet

Bear in mind that filtering based on year does not take place on this worksheet. Values may initially differ from the first worksheet due to this. If you filter by the current year, they will match.

By default, you view the uptake historically. You can also choose to view the future uptake or just everything.

  • Historical: course or session date is smaller than today
  • Future: course or session date is after or equal to today
  • All: calculations do not take into account the course or session date

Cancelled sessions are not included in the calculations on the Uptake worksheet.

Utilisation rate KPI

Number of participants registered/maximum number of participants that can be registered

KPI: Number of participants

The number of registered participants.

The number of free places KPI

How many places are left on a course. Therefore, maximum number of places -/- the number of registered participants.

Utilisation rate chart per day

In this chart, the course or session date is reduced to the day of the week on which the course or session was given. This way you can see exactly on which days the uptake is highest or lowest. That way, you can schedule your courses efficiently or pay attention to days that are less popular.

Uptake per course (or session) table

You can see the KPIs per course or session in this table. You can choose not to show a date and then you will see the totals by course or session. If you do choose to show a date, you will see the uptake per course or session.

Revenue worksheet

The information on this worksheet depends on the following: if you do not use the KPI table, you will see less information on this worksheet. Furthermore, on this worksheet, you can also continue clicking to access the Not invoiced revenueworksheet.

Invoiced revenue (current year) worksheet

If you did not filter based on a year, you will see the current year's revenue here. If you filter on other years, the revenue of those years will be shown here. This is the sum of the line amount

Achieved KPI


You will only see this KPI if you use your KPI table.

If you have not filtered based on a year, you will see the current year's revenue divided by the set budget from your KPI table here. If you filter based on other years, that filter is used.

Total invoiced by cross section chart

You can see here everything that has been invoiced based on each cross section. Indicate if you want to see the revenue per:

  • Customer
  • Course type
  • Course
  • Course programme
  • Teacher
  • Location

Revenue distribution tab

Here the revenue is shown per month per year that there is revenue. If you work with the KPI table, you will only see the years that there are also values in the KPI table here.

Cumulative tab

Here the cumulative revenue is shown by month. That is, it increases to the level of revenue that exists today. If you work with the KPI table, you will only see the years that there are also values in the KPI table here.

Still to be invoiced tab

In this pivot table, you will see the total revenue per organisation/person. Next, you can zoom in to the participant and you can even see the revenue for each course and for each course date as well.

Of course, you may prefer to see the revenue in a different way. You can also move the dimensions and therefore create other insights.

Revenue vs. target table

You will only see this table if you work with the KPI table. Per year or per year and month (depending on your own choice)m you will see the target and the realisation. You can also see at a glance whether you have met your target.

Participants worksheet

Bear in mind that filtering based on year does not take place on this worksheet. Values may initially differ from the first worksheet due to this. If you filter by the current year, they will match.

By default, you view the uptake historically. You can also choose to view the future uptake or just everything.

  • Historical: course or session date is in the past as viewed from today
  • Future: course or session date is in the future or equal to today
  • All: calculations do not take into account the course or session date

Cancelled sessions are not included in the calculations on the Uptake worksheet.

KPI: Number of participants

The number of registered participants.

Average revenue per participant

This is the sum of the line amounts from the invoice divided by the number of participants.

Ring chart

Here you can see how many of your students are employees and how many are external people. This depends on the Is employee field as defined in relation to the participant. The number of employees is compared to the total number of participants.

Number of participants per year

Here you see the sum of all participants in a year. Depending on your choice, historical, future or all. If a unique person has attended several courses, they will also be counted several times.

Participants per month tab

Here you can see the sum of all participants in a month, compared to the months of previous years. Depending on your choice, historical, future or all. If a unique person has attended several courses, they will also be counted several times.

Cumulative tab

Per month you see the count of the number of participants as also described above. Only in this diagram are they added to the number of the preceding periods. Now, if you select a year, for example, you will see exactly the composition of the number of participants in that year.

Details tab

In the details, you will see the organisations and participants in a pivot table. You can see per organisation and participant how many courses/sessions he or she has taken and what the revenue (the sum of the line amounts from the invoice) of this has been. The beauty of a pivot table is that you can also move the dimensions. Therefore, you could also get the insight per participant instead of per organisation (because some participants may attend a course from different organisations).

No-shows worksheet

This worksheet provides insight into the participants who did not show up. These are participants who registered but did not report present.


The registrations and presence (attendance) on this worksheet is based on the numbers on the Attendance tab in Profit. If a course lasts several days, a participant will be "counted" each day. As a result, data may deviate from expectations since a participant in, for example, a two-day course may attend on one day and not the next.

Registered participants KPI

The total participants registered (based on an attendance list) in all courses given. By default, you see the current year here. You can, of course, filter by other years.

No-show KPI

No-shows as a percentage.

Formula: (Number of participants reported not present/number of participants registered) x 100. By default, you see the current year here. You can, of course, filter by other years.

No-shows per year chart

Here the same percentage is used as in the KPI. If you do not filter years, you will only see the current year and last year.

No-show trend chart

Here you can see the percentage of no-shows per month compared to the same month of previous years. If you do not filter years, you will only see the current year and last year. You can of course choose to show more years by using the filter based on 'Year'.

No-show by cross section chart

In this chart you can decide on what basis you want to see the no-show percentage. This can be by course, organisation/person, employer, or organisational unit. Again, you see the current year by default. You can, of course, filter by other years.

Attendance per session worksheet

This worksheet will show you an overview of the attendance for each session.

For this worksheet, first select one or more courses or participants. Next, you can still influence the table yourself by deciding whether you want to see only the present participants, the participants who are absent, the future participants or all participants. Furthermore, you can also group the participants in the pivot table in different ways, that is, by organisation/person, employer, organisational unit or without grouping. If a participant was present at a session, a green 1 will be displayed. If a participant has not yet been reported present, you will see a red 0. If it is a future course/session, a grey 0 will be displayed.


  • Present: The sum of participants where the course/session date is before today and attendance is set to Yes.
  • Absent: The sum of participants where the course/session date is before today and attendance is set to No.
  • Scheduled: The sum of participants where the course/session date is after today.

Cohort matrix worksheet

This tab contains a matrix (pivot table) that you can build yourself (to some extent). You define a cross section (course process, organisation/person, employer or organisational unit). This determines the grouping of your participants. Based on your cross section, you choose a filter. Only after applying a filter will the matrix become visible. Next, you will see the date or attendance percentage for courses found with your cross section and filter(s) per participant.

Non-invoiced revenue worksheet

This worksheet shows courses that have not been invoiced, i.e., the revenue you have lost. Therefore, these are not courses that have not yet been invoiced. This entire worksheet looks at courses (or participants) where the Invoicing field is not selected as well as at discounts given.

Non-invoiced turnover KPI

Here you can see the original amount of the course where 'invoicing' is not selected or where there is a discount. In this case, this discount is shown. All of this is added together. If you do not select a year, only the current year will always be shown. You will also still see the revenue percentage you missed compared to your total revenue.

Of which free courses KPI

As explained above, some courses are given for free or at a discount. Here you will see only the courses that have been given for free. Invoicing is not selected or the discount percentage is 100%.

Of which discounted courses KPI

Here you can see the courses where a part did get invoiced. So there is a discount percentage, but it is less than 100%.

KPI = Of which free courses + KPI Of which discounted courses = Not invoiced revenue KPI

Revenue not invoiced per year

The calculation of this is the same as the KPI of the same name. Now, however, the chart shows the revenue for each year. If you do not filter years, you will only see the current year and last year. The bars also distinguish between courses that have been given for free and those given at a discount.

Revenue not invoiced for each year chart

The calculation of this is the same as the KPI of the same name. Now, however, the chart shows the revenue per self-selected cross section. You can choose from course, participant or organisation/person. If you do not filter based on years, you will only see the current year. The bars also distinguish between courses that have been given for free and those given at a discount.

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  1. Interactive dashboards (Profit BI)
  2. Use dashboards
  3. Filter in a dashboard
  4. Available dashboards
  5. Configuration