Change an invoice journal entry description

For each integration type, you can set or change the description that Profit adds to a journal entry for an invoice.

You cannot manually assign your own description to each invoice. For the description, you have a number of options.

App_Omschrijving journaalpost factuur wijzigen (10)

For every option, Profit includes the 'source' so you can see what the invoice type is. Examples:

  • vkf: sales invoice
  • bdf: counter/direct invoice
  • pro: project invoice

To change the description of an invoice in a journal entry:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type.
  2. Open the properties of integration type.
  3. Select a value for  Financial description to determine how Profit enters the journal entry in Profit Financieel.

    Profit determines the description during the journalising:

    • Source + description source

      A sales invoice is shown as: [vkf] Sales invoice

    • Source + invoice contact number + invoice contact name

      A counter/direct invoice is shown as: [bdf] 10032-Koninklijke Exhibitions Benelux B.V.

    • Source + number invoice debtor + name invoice debtor
    • Source + invoice contact name

      An automatic project invoice is shown as: [pro] Koninklijke Exhibitions Benelux B.V.

    • Source + name invoice debtor
    • Delivery source + week

    Specific option for projects:

    • Source + project number + description project
    • Source + description project


    If you are invoicing per sales contact and you have set the specific options for projects in the integration type for projects, Profit cannot retrieve the description of the project or projects. In that case, Profit uses the debtor for the description of the entry, meaning Source + invoice contact name.

  4. Click on: OK

See also:

Directly to

  1. Integration type
  2. Authorise an integration type
  3. Add an integration type
  4. Change the integration type
  5. Change the journal entry description for an invoice