Optimising data

Your database is a valuable source of data that is crucial for expanding on customer contacts and attracting new business. Information may have been recorded twice or be incomplete. You can easily update this.


You can enhance your database with data that are important for marketing actions. Consider fields such as Relationship, Sector or Function contact. This information can be crucial when selecting and editing the target group. In Profit you can enhance your database with custom fields in addition to the default fields.

To safeguard the quality of your database, systematic and regular checks and corrections are required. As far as marketing is concerned, the necessity of checking for duplicate organisations and persons is obvious. There are several ways to merge duplicate contacts in Profit.


  • Relationships

    Organisations and persons often are not independent entities, but are related to each other in a number of ways. You record these relationships in Profit.

  • Merge organisations/persons

    Your database may get polluted because of organisations and/or persons appearing multiple times. This could be the result of importing large quantities of contact data, a conversion or user errors. The more users are authorised to add persons or organisations, the likelier it is there will be duplicates.

  • Change a person/organisation code

    You can change the (identification) code of a person or organisation.

  • Convert an organisation to a person and vice versa

    You can convert an organisation to a person and a person to an organisation.

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