
In your letters and e-mail messages you use a combination of title and salutation to address the recipients.


There are different types of salutations. Commonly used are Dear Sir and Dear Madam, followed by the name. You can set this up in Profit.

By default a large number of possible title/salutation combinations are available. The Title/salutation table contains forms of address for organisations and persons. How a person is addressed, usually depends on gender, profession and/or title.

In the environment properties you can specify the salutation that you want to use as a default for organisations, persons and if the gender is unknown. The salutation for a person is set to GEN (General) as default. This combination is intended for persons for whom no specific title is known. In the letter you see Attn. Mr van Sloten and Dear Mr van Sloten.

For each person you can select a specific Title/salutation combination instead of the general salutation, for instance or . If you register the title, it is included in the Attn. line and in the salutation in the letter.

Two of the supplied default salutation combinations are intended for organisations. In a letter, you normally use the Organisation's name and Contact fields. However, there are organisations for which no contact person is known. For these organisations you can use Salutation organisation or Various. If you select Various, the Attn. line remains blank and instead of the salutation the abbreviation L.S. appears. If you select , the salutation will appear as , . In the Attn. line, the text Department appears.

The Text male and Text female fields also determine the value Profit enters in the Gender field when the name is split up. In the above example, the gender when entering is automatically set to V , while entering Mevrouw results in an empty Gender field (because the value Mevrouw does not appear in the table).

If the title/salutation combinations in the table do not meet all your requirements, you can add new ones yourself.

Also see