Add a reminder set

A reminder set contains the settings for sending reminders and the report layouts that are to be used to produce the reminder letters.

When you add a new reminder set, you can add a maximum of three report layouts with a specific age. If you then re-open the reminder set, you can still add additional lines and link additional report layouts with a specific age.

Specify the timing for generating the reminders in the reminder sets. You then have the option of generating a reminder a number of days after the due date or on the basis of the date of the previous reminder.

When you generate reminders, you can take the correction days into account: these are days that do not count in determining the age of the outstanding items. For example, if your bank requires three days to process a payment, you can set the number of correction days to three. This enables you to avoid sending unnecessary reminders because the payments and reminders are crossing each other.


Reminder set with reminders based on due date

You set the reminder set to generating reminders on the basis of the due date of the outstanding item.

Example: of reminding on the basis of the due date

You are using a reminder set with the following settings:

  • Number of days in Reminder line 1: 10
  • Number of days in Reminder line 2: 20
  • Number of days in Reminder line 3: 30

    Do not select the check box of the Remind with reg. to previous reminder date instead of invoice date setting. Profit will send the reminders as follows:

  • The 1st reminder will be sent 10 days after the due date.
  • The 2nd reminder will be sent 20 days after the due date.
  • The 3rd reminder will be sent 30 days after the due date.

To add a reminder set with reminders based on the due date:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Settings.
  2. Go to the tab: Remind.
  3. Click on: New.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Do not select the Remind with reg. to previous reminder date instead of invoice date check box. This is because the intent is to generate reminders on the basis of the number of days after the due date of the outstanding item.
  6. Select Save letters in sales contact file if you want to save the reminder letters in the digital contact dossier.

    Fin_Aanmaningsset toevoegen (05) (VarSB)

  7. Click on: Next.
  8. Enter 14 in Number of days.

    If you want to send the first reminder immediately after the due date, enter 0 as the number of days in Reminder line 1.

  9. Enter the description. Select a logical name, 1e aanmaning.
  10. In Report select the 1e aanmaning, model 1 report layout you want to use to generate the reminder letters. Special layouts are available for reminders with interest.
  11. Select a message template if you will be sending out the reminders via e-mail in PDF format.

    The text of the message template is incorporated into the e-mail message and the reminder is attached as a PDF file. If desired, you can link a different message template to each reminder line (1, 2 or 3). First add the message template if you have not already done so.

  12. Repeat these steps for the second and third reminder lines.

    Copy the following data:

    Fin_Aanmaningssset toevoegen (10)

    If you want to regularly send reminders, for example, every two weeks, then always enter multiples of 14 as the number of days. If the first reminder has been created 3 days after the due date, the reminder days are then by default calculated as 3, 17 and 31. The example above is based on this reminder structure.

  13. Click on: Finish.
Reminder set based on previous reminder date

You set the reminder set to generate reminders on the basis of the previous reminder date.

Example: Reminder based on previous reminder date

You are using a reminder set with the following settings:

  • Number of days in Reminder line 1: 15
  • Number of days in Reminder line 2: 10
  • Number of days in Reminder line 3: 10

    Select the check box of the Remind with reg. to previous reminder date instead of invoice date setting. Profit will send the reminders as follows:

  • The 1st reminder will be sent 15 days after the due date.
  • The 2nd reminder will be sent 10 days after the first reminder.
  • The 3rd reminder will be sent 10 days after the second reminder.

To create a reminder set based on a previous reminder date:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Settings.
  2. Go to the tab:  Remind.
  3. Click on: New.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Select the Remind with reg. to previous reminder date instead of invoice date check box.
  6. Select Save letters in sales contact file if you want to save the reminder letters in the digital contact dossier.
  7. Click on: Next.
  8. Enter the number of days after the due date in Number of days.

    If you want to send the first reminder immediately after the due date, enter 0 as the number of days in Reminder line 1.

  9. Enter the description.
  10. In Report select the report layout you want to use to generate the reminder letters. Special layouts are available for reminders with interest.
  11. Select a message template if you will be sending out the reminders by e-mail in PDF format.

    The text of the message template is incorporated into the e-mail message and the reminder is attached as a PDF file. If desired, you can link a different message template to each reminder line (1, 2 or 3). First add the message template if you have not already done so.

  12. Repeat these steps for the second and third reminder lines.
  13. Click on: Finish.
Add reminder lines to a reminder set

You can add reminder lines to an existing reminder set. For example, add a fourth line for notifying the debtor that you have handed over the claim to an enforcement agency.

To add additional lines to a reminder set:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Settings.
  2. Go to the tab: Remind.
  3. Open the properties of the reminder set.
  4. Go to the tab: Line.
  5. Click on: New
  6. Enter the description. 
  7. In Number of days, enter the number of days after which reminders are to be generated. Depending on your settings for this reminder set, this will be with regard to the due date or the previous reminder date.

    If you did not select Remind with reg. to previous reminder date instead of invoice date as the setting on the General tab of this reminder set, this is the number of days with regard to the due date of the outstanding item. If you did select the Remind with reg. to previous reminder date instead of invoice date check box, this is the number of days with regard to the previous reminder date.

  8. In Report select the report layout you want to use to generate the reminders.
  9. Select a message template if you will be sending out the reminders by e-mail in PDF format.
  10. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure reminders
  2. Add reminder report layouts
  3. Add a reminder set
  4. Set the interest on reminders
  5. Configure the e-mail server and general sender in an environment
  6. Configure a report layout and message template for e-mailing reminders
  7. Record the issue method for each debtor