Configure the reporting cockpit

You can view the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, and the overview of key indicators via the reporting cockpit. The classification on the reports is determined by the reporting structure. In the reporting structure you link ledger accounts to reporting codes. The reporting codes are supplied as part of Profit, however you can also add your own new reporting codes.

The configuration applies to the entire environment, however you view the figures for each administration separately.

You also use the reporting cockpit for electronically filing financial reports and financial statements with the Chamber of Commerce. This requires the configuration to be adjusted.



The reporting structure determines the classification of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. These documents are generally divided into main groups (such as Vaste activa) and subgroups (such as Immateriële vaste activa and Materiële vaste activa). In addition, Profit provides a third level for a more detailed classification.

Reporting codes have a fixed structure of the format ABBCCDD:

  • A:  Kind (Assets, Liabilities, Result, Text)
  • BB:  Main group
  • CC:  Sub-group
  • DD: Code

You can also use a second sub-group, Sub-group2. This gives you an additional level of detail in the reports.

The Kind field determines whether the reporting code is displayed on the balance sheet or the profit and loss account. Profit then displays the reporting codes in alphabetical order on the relevant report.


The fixed assets reporting codes are structured as follows:

  • A01: Vaste activa
  • A0102: Materiële vaste activa
  • A010204: Andere vaste bedrijfsmiddelen

    Ledger accounts are only linked to the A010204: Andere vaste bedrijfsmiddelen reporting code. The parent reporting codes only identify the structure.

    For the codes the following classification is applied:

  • Kind = A (Assets)
  • Main group 01 = Fixed assets
  • Sub-group 02 = Tangible fixed assets
  • Code = 01.


The ledger accounts are structured for printing reports together with the balance sheet and the profit and loss account, and explanatory notes to these reports.

Some ledger accounts can appear on both the debit and the credit side of the report (e.g. the ledger account Bank because this can be both debit and credit). In this case, you enter Reporting code no. 2 in the reporting code so that an amount can swap from assets to liabilities and vice versa.

Also see