Configure the approval of the VAT declaration via OutSite

As an accountant and tax consultant, you configure this functionality to make the VAT/ICP declarations and supplemental declarations of your clients available digitally on OutSite (the accountancy portal). The client can then approve his/her declarations electronically via the portal.

This functionality is intended for accountancy and administration offices with a Profit Accountancy licence or the Standard Edition in which the accountancy bundle is included in the licence and where the customers of the accountant use Profit Small Business. This functionality is only available for environments with a Dutch licence. The licences for Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands Antilles are excluded.



Fin_Btw-aangifte accorderen via OutSite inrichten (10)

To make the VAT/ICP declaration and the supplementary declaration digitally available to your customers via OutSite (the portal), you must first configure a number of settings for this link in the Accountancy environment, in the Small Business environment and in InSite and OutSite.

Also see