Add reminders
You can use a wizard to select the required debtors and outstanding items. Profit gathers together the relevant data in a run (reminder run). The reminders are not printed immediately.
If a run is already present of which the printing has not been finalised, then Profit replaces it by the new run.
To add a new reminder run:
- Go to: Financial / Debtor / Reminder.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the Reference date. You see only invoices that are overdue on the reference date. The reference date also determines the age of the outstanding items.
- Enter 3 in Correction days.
Outstanding items that are overdue by one, two or three days are not included in the reminder.
- Select the Include non-expired invoices also check box. You select all invoices. However, this only applies to debtors that have a minimum of one overdue invoice. In other words, if a debtor has one overdue invoice, then Profit will also include other invoices (that are not overdue) in the reminders.
- Select a reminder set in Reminder set.voor debiteuren zonder afwijkende aanmaningsset.
This set applies for all debtors, except for those to whom you have linked a deviating reminder set. If a debtor has a deviating reminder set, there may also be deviating settings with respect to the age of outstanding items.
This field is not a filter, but is used as the preferred value if you do not specify a value for the reminder set for the sales contact itself. Only when the reminder order is finalised, Profit uses the value to determine which report (or message template) should be used.
- Select all debtors by not specifying a range for the extra selection.
- If applicable, select a range of (numbers of) reminder letters.
You use a reminder set with the following reminder letters:
- 1st reminder (30 days)
- 2nd reminder (60 days)
- 3rd reminder (90 days)
If you only select reminder letter number 2, then Profit will print the reminders for invoices that are 60 to 89 days old.
Note: This example applies if a debtor has one outstanding item. If one debtor has multiple outstanding items, then reminders are sent at the debtor level and not at the invoice level. Profit checks per debtor if there are invoices that are due for a reminder. In the collection of invoices to be reminded, the oldest invoice determines which reminder letter is used. This means a debtor will not necessarily receive reminder 1 and then 2 etc. for each invoice.
- Click on: Next.
Profit displays a Debtor selection for reminders view with all selected debtors. Deselect the check box for the debtors you do not want to generate and print a reminder for.
You can adjust this view. For example, you can add the Last payment date function field to this view. This field shows, for example, the date on which the selected debtor has partially paid an invoice, meaning you can deselect the debtor.
You can quickly clear all the check boxes by selecting Deselect (Ctrl+D) or selecting using the shortcut Ctrl+A.
- Click on: Finish.
If you are using the queue, Profit places this task in the queue. While the task is being performed in the queue, you can continue to work. See: Use and manage the queue
The queue is always enabled in AFAS Online. That means that the task is always preformed via the queue.
See also
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