Enter an e-invoice as a purchase invoice

You use the Entering purchase invoice action to process the imported invoices (.xml, .ubl or .pdf) in the opened (active) financial administration.

If you have multiple administrations, you first open the administration in which you want to process the invoices and then you perform the steps below for each administration.


In order to be able to submit purchase invoices, the 'invoices in circulation' functionality has to be activated. If Profit displays this message then configure invoices in circulation. If you do not want this then you need to configure E-invoicing without invoices in circulation.

To enter e-invoices as purchase invoices:

  1. Go to: Financial / Creditor / E-invoice.
  2. Select the invoice.

    You can also select and enter multiple invoices using multiselect.

  3. Click on the action: Entering purchase invoice.
  4. Check the financial year and period and select the purchase journal.
  5. Click on: Finish.

    You see the entry layout of the purchase journal.

  6. You see that the first entry line (the creditor line) has been completed as much as possible with the information that can be derived from the e-invoice. You can enter all other missing data in the journal entries.

    The creditor is derived by the check process when the e-invoice is imported. You must enter the creditor and the other fields of the first entry line yourself if you have only imported a PDF invoice (without an associated UBL or XML) or if Profit has not been able to derive them from the e-invoice.

    Profit enters the Credit currency amount and the Currency, if the currency of the e-invoice differs from the Preferred currency, as set up in the properties of the environment. In order to use a foreign currency you must have selected the corresponding journal for international purchase entries.

    The Payment discount in Profit requires that the Days payment discount and the Payment discount (%) are derivable. If these two items of data are not known, Profit will not copy them to the first creditor line. You can enter the amount based on the PDF invoice.

  7. Go through the line using the Enter or Tab key.

    The due date of the invoice is determined based on the creditor details.

  8. The Attachment field is automatically filled with the corresponding PDF. If the field is empty, you can still add the file (PDF) manually.
  9. Complete the cost line and where appropriate, the VAT line, in the usual way.

    Profit does not retrieve the VAT from the e-invoice but calculates it based on the cost line(s).

    Credit restriction is not included in the default UBL. If a credit restriction has not been set up for this creditor and the invoice does contain a credit restriction, then enter the credit restriction manually. You can enter this using the details from the PDF invoice. If a credit restriction has been set up for the creditor, then Profit will copy the credit restriction form the creditor's settings, as is usual.

  10. Check the data. 

    Sometimes the wrong attachment comes in on an e-invoice, for instance. To be able to delete the e-invoice from the purchase journal entry line, you first have to delete the cost line and VAT line, if applicable. After that you can delete the e-invoice line (with attachment).

  11. Click on: Finish

    After completing the entry, Profit converts the attachment to a dossier item.

If you use the Purchase invoice workflow, you can process the purchase invoices further in InSite after the entries have been posted.

The e-invoice gets the Processed status. You can see this status if you view the e-invoice via the E-invoice view.

Directly to

  1. E-invoice (purchase invoice)
  2. Configure e-invoicing (purchase invoice)
  3. Read an e-invoice
  4. View an imported e-invoice
  5. Create a new purchase contact for an e-invoice from an unknown creditor
  6. View a PDF attachment for an e-invoice
  7. Enter an e-invoice as a purchase invoice
  8. Import a PDF invoice and enter it as a purchase invoice
  9. Delete e-invoices collectively
  10. E-invoice workflow in InSite