Multiple insurances for an asset

You can link multiple insurances (contracts) to an asset. You can only do this for contracts of the type Insurance.


You have a truck with a trailer and you add them as one asset. The truck is insured somewhere else than the trailer.

In the Unlinked contracts view, you therefore also see the insurances which are already linked to an asset.

To link multiple insurances to an asset:

  1. Go to: Financial / Fixed assets / Asset.
  2. Open the properties of an asset.
  3. Go to the tab: Insurance.

    You can now see the insurance that is linked to this asset.

  4. Click on: New.

    You now open a view with insurances which are not yet linked to this asset.

  5. Select the insurance you want to link.

    You can also select multiple insurances.

  6. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Insurance
  2. Add a creditor
  3. Add a contract to Financial
  4. Link an asset to an insurance
  5. Multiple insurances for an asset