Finalise the VAT declaration

Finalise the VAT declaration once it is correct and complete. If an ICP declaration also exists in the period in question, it will also be finalised. You finalise an annual supplementation separately.

During the finalisation of the declaration, all the entries included in the declaration are marked so that they are not included in future declarations.

The declaration also includes entries from previous periods which have not yet been included in a declaration. This also applies for all changed entries. Thus, it is possible that the declaration displays a different amount than a ‘bare’count for a period.


You can no longer change or delete a finalised VAT and/or ICP declaration. We advise you to make a backup before finalising the VAT/ICP declaration. AFAS Online customers can create a copy of the environment.

If you add a declaration after finalising then this automatically becomes a declaration for the next period. If you add a new declaration before finalising the previous one then the previous (non-finalised) declaration is overwritten.

To finalise the VAT declaration:

  1. Go to: Financial / VAT/ICP / VAT/ICP-declaration.
  2. Select the declaration just created.
  3. Click on the action: Finalise.

    This finalises all non-finalised declarations (VAT/ICP) with the same Per Date (Period date) in one go, except for the annual supplementations.


    This also applies to the period supplementation VAT declaration which is created at the same time as the VAT declaration. You can also finalise a period supplementation separately.

    You can also delete a non-finalised supplementary declaration separately. In that case, the regular VAT declaration, created at the same time, remains where it is. In this way you can prevent multiple supplementations from being created for one time frame if you know that there will still be more corrections to the time frame.

  4. Confirm the finalisation of the declaration.

    In the declaration, you see that the Permanent check box is selected.

If the declaration is finalised, Profit automatically creates an outstanding item for the creditor Tax Authority, provided you have set this up.

Directly to

  1. Submit the VAT/ICP declaration
  2. Add a VAT/ICP declaration
  3. Check the VAT declaration
  4. Check an ICP declaration
  5. Finalise a VAT/ICP declaration
  6. Submit the VAT/ICP declaration to the tax authority