Add a lease car to the fleet

When the organisation starts to use a new lease car, you first need to add it to the fleet. Next, link the lease car to the employee who will be using the car. You can also add a car for general use; this is not linked to an employee.

If you are managing your own cars in your fleet, you can add them if you have added your own organisation as a lease company.

You can also import your fleet data by selecting HR / Management / Import HRM / Fleet. You can import the car link to the employee and service data by selecting .


Add a car from the employer properties

You add a car to an employer, so you can link the car to an employee of this particular employer.

To add a car from the employer properties:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Fleet.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter the registration number.
  6. Select the make of the car in Make.
  7. Select the model in Model.

    If you cannot select the desired make and model, add them to the custom table for Make and Model.

  8. Enter the starting mileage in Starting mileage (km).
  9. Enter the date of the first registration in Registration date no. 1. This date determines the age of the car.
  10. Enter the list price.

    The list value is important for determining the fiscal addition. In the link of the car to the employee, you can determine the percentage of fiscal addition and whether you want to have the fiscal addition determined automatically by Profit Payroll.

  11. Enter the percentage of the addition in Addition (%).

    If you add the car to the employee, Profit copies this percentage.

  12. Select the General use check box if you want to link the car to multiple employees.
  13. Click on: Next.
  14. Select the lease company and the effective date of the lease contract.
  15. Click on: Next.
  16. If required, enter a comment.
  17. Click on: Finish.

Add cars from Fleet

  1. Go to:HR / Fleet / Fleet.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select the employer.
  4. Next, follow the same procedure as for adding a car from the employer properties.

Also see

Directly to

  1. Fleet
  2. Configure the fleet
  3. Add cars to the fleet
  4. Link a lease car to an employee
  5. Register mileage and services
  6. View cars
  7. Terminate the car usage