Determine the settings and copy Profit competences

You set the required assessment method. In addition, you can copy the supplied Profit competences but this is not mandatory. Profit will copy the competences of the selected competence sets, but you can still change or delete these competences later. Profit also copies the related competence clusters. Competence clusters are groups used when classifying competences. This grouping is used in the Competence dictionary.


You cannot change the selected assessment method afterwards unless you have the consult code. Changing the assessment method is a step that has major consequences, as it requires the competences to be reconfigured and linked to roles.

You determine the assessment method and the number of levels during initialisation. You also set the scoring scale for assessment method B (assess the competence level). Next, you set additional data.

You cannot copy competence sets any more after initialisation, but you can still copy supplied competence clusters and competences.

To record the settings:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Configuration / Setting.
  2. Select whether you use your own configuration or want to copy the Profit competences.

    If you want to copy Profit competences, select the required competence sets. Profit will copy the competences of the selected competences for use after completing the wizard. You can still copy supplied competences or competence clusters after initialisation.

  3. Go to the tab: Settings.

    Determine the assessment method:

    1. Method A (assess the entire competence level): you do not select Assessment of competence level by linking behaviour indicators.
    2. Method B (assess the competence level): you select Assessment of competence level by linking behaviour indicators.
  4. Enter the number of competence levels. If you have copied the Profit competences, you must use four levels.
  5. Enter the scoring scale if you use method B. You enter the maximum score here. If, for instance, you enter 5, the employee can get an assessment score of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.


    You can no longer change the assessment method, the number of levels and the scoring scale above.

  6. Select the template for generating the surveys.

    Your selection determines where the questions are retrieved from when generating the assessments. This depends on the model you select:

    • Competence level role assessment

      All roles with the same competence level use the same behaviour indicators.

    • Assessment role work type/competence level

      Same as the first option, but the role profile is more detailed. That is because the role has been broken down into tasks.

    • Role assessment of linked indicator competence level

      Select the behaviour indicators for each role/competence. This means that you can work in a more detailed way.

  7. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure competence management
  2. Determine the settings and copy Profit competences
  3. Adjust the settings
  4. Configure competences
  5. Group competences in competence clusters
  6. Add competences per work type
  7. Manage roles