Add competences per work type

Working with work types is explained in Profit Projecten. You can specify the required competences for each work type in Profit Competence management. If you link the work type to a role, the competences of the work type will also be linked to the role. Next, open the properties of the role and determine the level of the competence and possibly the related score (only for competence method B).


You use work types in combination with the following templates:

  • Assessment role work type/competence level (method B)
  • Assessment role work type/competence level

If you have linked a different template in the settings, you do not use work types. In that case, you can skip this step.

If you are not yet using work types, you can identify them by 'writing times' during, for example, a month. You ask employees to keep a record of which activities they perform and how much time they spend on them.

To add competences per work type:

  1. Go to: Projects / Item / Work type.
  2. Open the required work type.
  3. Go to the tab: Competence.
  4. Click on: New.  to add a competence.

Directly to

  1. Configure competence management
  2. Determine the settings and copy Profit competences
  3. Adjust the settings
  4. Configure competences
  5. Group competences in competence clusters
  6. Add competences per work type
  7. Manage roles