Configure the digital delivery to 'UWV'

You can digitally exchange absence entries with the 'UWV' using 'Digi-ZSM (Digitaal, Zeker, Snel en Makkelijk)'. Profit HR supports all message flows known in 'Digi-ZSM':

  • Sickness message
  • Work resumption message
  • 'WAZO' benefit request
  • Long-term disability message
  • Recovery message after long-term disability

To use 'Digi-ZSM', you should register with the 'UWV'. For this, you can use the default document [Employer file] Log in to Digipoort (Profit) or [Employer file] Log in to Digipoort Intermediary (Profit). Send the document by email to:


With the registration, provide an e-mail address. The feedback from the 'UWV' is sent to this e-mail address together with the statuses of the messages sent from Profit. As a consequence, the status of the messages in Profit remains set to Sent.

You determine per employer whether or not 'Digi-ZSM' is going to be used. If so, then Profit generates absence messages, if required, for the employees concerned. The generation, change and revoking of absence messages occurs in the most automated manner possible.

Also see