Digital delivery of absence messages to 'UWV' using 'Digi-ZSM'

You can digitally exchange absence entries with the 'UWV' using Digi-ZSM (Digitaal, Zeker, Snel en Makkelijk).Profit HR supports all message flows known within 'Digi-ZSM’:

  • 'WAZO' benefit request
  • Recovery entry after long-term disability
  • Work resumption message
  • Long-term disability message
  • Sickness message
  • Absence entries that are subject to 'Article 29B of the Ziektewet'.

When you enter absence entries in Profit you can record data for the 'UWV' and exchange the absence entries with the 'UWV'. Exchange here means that you can send absence messages to the 'UWV' and that Profit can process any feedback from the 'UWV'.


You determine per employer whether or not 'Digi-ZSM' is going to be used. If so, then Profit generates absence messages, if required, for the employees concerned. The generation, change and revoking of absence messages occurs in the most automated manner possible.

You manage the absence messages using the UWV digital function. In this cockpit you can view, manually add, change and revoke absence messages. You are bound by various restrictions and checks, among other things, because of the link between absence entries and absence messages.

If you approve an absence message, then it will be sent to the 'UWV'.

Absence message type

'UWV' distinguishes five message flows. Depending on the situation (functional distinction), Profit can make a distinction between ten message types. In the table, you see the relationship between the message type in Profit and the associated 'UWV' message flow. For example, if you see the message type Sickness notification withdrawal in Profit then this is sent to 'UWV' using the 'Ziekteaangifte' message flow.

Profit absence message type

'UWV' message flow



Melding gedeeltelijke werkhervatting

Melding werkhervatting

Melding volledige werkhervatting

Melding werkhervatting

Aanvaag WAZO uitkering

Aanvraag WAZO uitkering

Melding langdurig verzuim

Melding langdurig arbeidsongeschikt

Hersteld melding langdurig verzuim

Hersteld melding langdurig arbeidsongeschikt

Intrekking ziekteaangifte


Intrekking gedeeltelijke werkhervatting

Melding werkhervatting

Intrekking aanvraag WAZO uitkering

Aanvraag WAZO uitkering

Intrekking langdurig verzuim

Melding langdurig arbeidsongeschikt

If the employee leaves his or her employment while there is still an absence entry (no 'Vangnet'), close the absence entry. This causes Profit to generate an absence message of the Absence declaration type.

Absence message status

Profit always assigns a specific status to an absence message. This lets you see the stage the entry is at in the exchange process:



To approve

You must check the entry. With the approval of the message, Profit prepares it for sending.

With the exception of revoke messages, new messages always get the status To approve. Revoke messages are immediately given the status Approved.


The entry has been approved by you.

Ready to send

The message is ready for sending via the communication service. Sending takes place at fixed times.

Error while sending

The communication service has discovered an error during the sending.


The communication service has sent the message. This is still no confirmation that the message has been received or accepted by the 'UWV'.

Cannot be processed

Profit cannot send the message because it will not be accepted by the 'UWV'.


You let the entry expire or it has expired because of a change in the absence entry.

For each absence message, Profit keeps a history of all the statuses that the absence message has had during its life.

Digital delivery process for a new absence entry

For a new absence entry, the digital delivery process to the 'UWV' is as follows:

For a new absence entry, you see that Profit automatically generates a new absence message. Within the process you have the option to let the absence message expire or revoke it. If an absence message is revoked, Profit generates a revoke message. This message is immediately given the status Approved.


If an absence entry is present in the future, Profit cannot send a work resumption message. In this case, you pass on the entry manually to the 'UWV'.

Adjust an absence entry

When an absence entry is adjusted then, depending on the status of the absence message,Profit performs one of the following actions:

  • The status is To approve orApproved

    Profit changes the status to Expired and Profit generates a new absence message.

  • The status is Ready to send orSent

    Profit changes the status to Expired. In addition, Profit generates a revoke message and a new absence message to send the adjusted data to the 'UWV'.

'UWV’ feedback

After an absence message has been sent, it gets the Sent status. Next, 'UWV' will perform a check. With this, the 'UWV' checks the content and technical validity of the data delivered. Based on this, the 'UWV' reports one of the following statuses back to you:

  • Rejected by recipient

    The 'UWV' cannot accept the data delivered.

  • Accepted by recipient

    The 'UWV' can continue to process the absence message because it has passed the content and technical check without any problems.

For the registration with the 'UWV', you specify an e-mail address. You receive these statuses as feedback from the 'UWV' at this e-mail address.


The status of the messages in Profit remains set to Sent.

'WAZO' request

For a pregnancy declaration, you can use the form from the 'UWV'. You do not need to send a pregnancy declaration to the 'UWV'. You keep the form in the employee's dossier. Please refer to the 'UWV' website for more information.



Also see