Add an absence entry

Using the You add an absence entry by going to the employee's properties or using the separate Absence registration function. function, you have quick access to the absence entries.


Add an absence entry

For an employee with a weekly or work timetable, Profit determines the number of hours after the entry has been closed. In the case of a variable work pattern, you will need to enter the number of hours yourself.

You cannot specify any field settings for duration fields. That is because these fields have a specific combination of properties: for example, they are required fields and are not populated using a default value or they are calculated by Profit.

If you insert an absence entry, Profit will immediately close it. With 'insert' we mean that on a later date, an absence case has already been specified for the employee.

To add an absence entry:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Absence.
  4. Click on: New

    For your information Profit will display the total number of entries for the current calendar year (excluding maternity leave and industrial accidents). This is important if you use qualifying days, as these may be linked to a minimum number of sickness entries in the settings of the CLA/term of employment.

    Check the start date and time. For employees with a weekly timetable or work timetable Profit comes with a proposal based on the timetable.

  5. Enter the Expected end date.
  6. If the employee has worked on the first day of absence, enter the number of hours in First day of presence.

    Profit automatically calculates the number of hours for an employee with a weekly timetable or a work timetable. If not, you enter the number of hours yourself.

    If the field contains a colon, then you enter the duration as hours:minutes. If not, you enter hours and hundredths. If entering the duration in hours and hundredths, a complete hour is set at 100. If you want to specify a half hour, enter 0:30 if you use the hours:minutes format and 0.5 if you use hundredths.

    This cannot be done if the employee has a weekly timetable or a work timetable because, in that case, Profit calculates the number automatically. If the calculated number is not correct, adjust the start time of the absence entry.

  7. Check the number of absence entries for this year in Notifications this year.

    Profit does not see an absence entry that refers to continuous absence as a separate absence entry. If an absence entry refers to continuous absence, all absence entries referring to this continuous absence are seen as one notification.

  8. Check if the Type of absence is correct.


    You cannot add anything to the Type of absence table because the codes in this table are linked to 'Arbo' codes.

    Profit automatically selects the Continuous absence check box if the new absence entry occurs within 28 days of the previous absence entry.

  9. Click on: Next.
  10. If necessary, select a substitute (for workflows, alerts, etc.).

    By recording a substitute, during the absence of an employee, a workflow and/or alerts can be 'diverted' to this substitute so that there is no delay in operations.

  11. Click on: Next.
  12. Complete the fields.
  13. Click on: Finish.
Add an absence entry from the absence registration

The absence registration is a central view of all absence entries, which also allows you to add, edit and close absence notifications.

To add an absence entry from the absence registration:

  1. Go to: HR / Presence and absence / Absence registration.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select the employee.

    In this view Profit does not display all employees, only the ones with a contract, timetable, salary and function line. In addition, there cannot be any current absence entry for the relevant employee.

  4. Click on: Next
  5. Continue with the steps for adding an absence entry from the employee's properties.
Also see

Directly to

  1. Absence entries
  2. Add absence entries
  3. Add an entry for partial absence
  4. Change the course of the absence
  5. View and change an absence entry
  6. Close an absence entry
  7. Delete an absence entry
  8. Import absence entries and the absence course
  9. Absence in the case of multiple simultaneous employments
  10. Frequently asked questions about absence