Record the position allocation per employee

If you want to distribute the wage costs of an employee over two or more departments (for the wage journal entry, the cost centre and/or cost unit), configure a position allocation for the employee. In the position allocation you specify a percentage distribution for the costs.

This may be necessary if an employee has been seconded to another department, or if the work of the employee benefits multiple departments.

Profit automatically enters the position allocation based on the job data of the employees. When adding the position or changing the properties (employer/organisational unit/job) Profit automatically prompts you to link the relevant employees.

The position allocation is linked to the job line of the employee. As a consequence, the effective date and end date of the job line also apply to the position allocation. If a position allocation changes, on the effective date of the change, add a new job line with the new position allocation.

A position allocation can come into effect half way through a (wage processing) period. In the wage calculation, Profit calculates the position allocation on a pro rata basis.


If you use the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation, for each job line, the employee must have a position line with the organisational unit from the job line. Thus Profitautomatically adds a new position line when the start of employment is reported or a new job line is entered.


If Profit has not distributed the value of a wage component correctly, it is possible that the wage component uses calculation basis distribution for journalising. You do not journalise another wage component that is included in the calculation basis for the relevant wage component, but you do want to distribute the value for the calculation basis distribution. This is a contradiction and Profit cannot deal with it. The journal entry will show an incorrect distribution.

To resolve this, make sure that you do journalise the wage component. In the journal structure, include the wage component with the same account and contra account.


Changing the position allocation has consequences for the cost allocation in Profit Payroll.

To specify a deviating position per employee:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Job.
  4. Open the properties of the job line.
  5. Select the position.
  6. Go to the tab: Position allocation, if you want to assign the employee to multiple positions.
    1. Click on: New.
    2. Select the organisational unit, job and position.
    3. Enter the percentage that the employee works in that position.
    4. The attribute is intended for a possible link with external systems. Profit proposes a sequence number, but you can modify it.
    5. Click on: Finish.

    Repeat these steps until the total of the percentages is 100%.

Add a position allocation or sub-employments

You can split the appointment of an employee using a position allocation or using a new sub-employment. The differences are:

  • New sub-employment in case of:
    • Temporary extension on an existing employment because of the substitution for another employee;
    • Temporary extension on an existing employment because of extra work.
  • New position allocation in case of:
    • An employee who, within an appointment, works at two or more schools, locations or teams.
    • An employee for whom the wage costs are partially subsidised or paid out of another source.


    An employee has an appointment of 1.000. For 0.2000 of this appointment, this employee works on a project.

    • An employee with ‘BAPO’ or paid parental leave, with you having to account for the wage costs for the ‘BAPO’ or the paid parental leave separately.


    An employee has an appointment of 0.8000 and has 0.1250 ‘BAPO’ leave. In this case, there is one employment with two position allocation lines. The first line for the regular part has a percentage of (0.8000 – 0.1250) / 0.8000 = 84.375%. The second line for the ‘BAPO’ part has a percentage of 0.1250 / 0.8000 = 15.625%.

Directly to

  1. Position management
  2. Configure an organisation chart
  3. Add positions
  4. Budget a position
  5. Budget multiple positions simultaneously
  6. Link or unlink an employee/position
  7. Link a position to an employee
  8. View positions