Configure an organisation chart

The organisation chart is a representation of your organisation structure in a diagram. From top to bottom it consists (for example) of the management, various departments and teams. The organisation chart shows the connections and authority relationships between these business units. The layout of the organisation chart is important for the execution of business processes using alerts and workflows and for the authorisation.


In Profit two concepts are key:

  • Organisational unit (OU)

    The components of the organisation, for example Management, ICT department, Purchase department, Sales department, Internal sales team, Sales field organisation, etc.

  • Organisational unit type (OUT)

    You use this to arrange an organisation chart in layers. Every organisational unit in Profit is linked to an organisational unit type.

    An organisation chart in Profit can have up to 10 layers (numbered 0 to 9). Layer 0 is the top layer.

You build the organisation chart by placing organisational units in a diagram, as in the image below. The image also displays the department employees. The link between an employee and his organisational unit is established in the employee's job line. For example, if an employee is transferred to another department, you need to specify a new job line for the employee.

The top layer in an organisation chart can have only one organisational unit, in this example EnYoi Holding. Below this are three companies. In the image you only see the details of EnYoi ICT Services.

It is recommended to use separate layers in the organisation chart for (team) managers and their employees. In the above example, only the bottom layer has employees, all other layers are management layers. This layout greatly simplifies setting up workflows and configuring alerts, because these functions often use a routing to the parent layer.

In this example, the organisational units on layer 1 are only used to bundle their child organisational units. The management consists of the managers of the Controlling, Customer Services and Sales departments.

Other issues:


Alerts and workflows

Authorisation with selections

Filter authorisation

Data collections


Also see