Manager and/or direct colleague in a workflow
You can have tasks in the workflow assigned automatically to direct colleagues, managers and substitutes of managers of the employee in question. The organisation chart is used to determine who the managers and direct colleagues are.
Managers are employees who, in the organisation chart, are in a parent organisational unit (OU) containing employees. The manager is always determined based on the parent OU in which the Contains employees check box is selected, regardless of whether you have activated the Employee authorisation based on position allocation functionality or are using the Determine manager automatically setting.
To clarify the text below, we assume the following organisation chart:
Under Organisation chart, you can select from:
- Management - file item destination
The destination is the employee to whom the workflow is related (always for HRM workflows). The employee's manager processes the workflow task. He/she is at the organisation chart layer above the employee's layer.
Suppose you have activated Employee as the destination in the properties of the file item. For example, if the HR department submits an entry for employee Maaike Clement - Bakker, she is the destination of the file item. Her manager - in this case Kees Zandbergen - receives the entry task in his/her task list.
- Management - submitter
The manager of the submitter of the file item processes the workflow task. He/she is part of the organisation chart layer above the submitter's layer. The submitter must be an employee (the user in InSite and the employee in Profit HRM must be linked to the same person).
If we suppose that Herma Sprong-Schouten submits a leave request. This will then be displayed in the task list of her manager, Kees Zandbergen.
- Management - responsible
The file item has a specific responsible entity. In this destination, the manager of the responsible entity processes the workflow task. He/she is at the organisation chart layer above the submitter's layer.
If we suppose that Helene de Vries, an employee in the IT department, is responsible for distributing hardware to colleagues. Her manager, David Brouwer, first receives these requests in his/her task list.
- Managers and substitutes
This concerns the same destination as the previous three, only now with the substitutes of the destination. Substitutes are configured at the employee level. In addition to the organisation chart, the substitute manager is also used in leave entries and sickness absence entries.
For example, if you have configured Wim Boekhout as David Brouwer's replacement, then, in David Brouwer 's absence, Wim Boekhout will receive the requests intended for Helene de Vries.
- Job managers by employment - dossier item destination
The destination ensures that the task in question goes to the managers of the organisational unit specified for the job. For example, if an entry is submitted for an employee, the employee is the destination of the file item.
In the case of destinations with the description XXX - job with regard to employment , the following applies. The task goes to the managers of the main employment of this employee. If the employee selected an employment during the submission, the organisational unit for the job of the selected employment is taken into consideration.
In relation to the delegation model, you have additional destinations, that is, The persons to whom tasks are delegated - file item destination, The persons to whom tasks are delegated - file item submitter and The persons to whom tasks are delegated - file item responsible entity. See the further explanation of the delegation model.
Direct colleagues
Immediate colleagues are the employees who are in the same organisational unit in the organisation chart.
You can select from the following destinations:
- Direct colleagues - client record item destination
The destinations of the task are the employees who are in the same organisational unit as the employee recorded as the destination in the file item. This employee is determined in the same way as managers.
If we suppose that the destination of the file item is Employee and a request is submitted for hardware, Helene de Vries will not only get this task in her task list, but Jasper Jasperse, Charlotte Bakker and Arjan van Utrecht will too.
- Direct colleagues - client record item sender
The same, but in this case the direct colleagues of the sender.
If we suppose that Herma Sprong-Schouten has submitted an entry, Maaike Clement-Bakker will receive this entry in her task list.
- Direct colleagues - responsible for client record item
The same, but in this case the direct colleagues of the responsible person.
If Marieke Verbaan is responsible for approving declarations, Gerrit Martens and Thomas Burgmans will also get the task in their task list.
Workflow destinations for managers in position allocation
To determine the manager in the workflow destinations, the position allocation lines of the employees (manager) are also always looked at. Normally, the manager is always determined based on the parent organisational unit. If an employee is on the same layer as the manager via position allocation, he or she also gets the tasks. Therefore, regardless of whether employee authorisation has been enabled or not based on position allocation.
See also
Directly to