Transfer an organisation chart to Microsoft Visio

You can transfer the organisation chart from Profit to a diagram view in Microsoft Visio. If you are working with AFAS Online, you first use an analysis to transfer the organisation chart data to a Microsoft Excel sheet. You can then import it into Microsoft Visio and use a wizard to create a diagram from the organisation chart.


You can display the organisation chart as a diagram in Profit using the Organisation chart viewer.


Step 1: Make an analysis of the organisation chart using AFAS Online

You use an analysis to transfer the organisation chart data to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

To make an analysis of the organisation chart:

  1. Go to: HR / Output / Management / HRM analysis.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select the based on a data collection check box.
  4. Select one of the following data collections:
    • Organisation chart
    • Organisation chart (Current details)
  5. Click on: Next
  6. Enter a description for the analysis.
  7. Click on: Next
  8. Click on: Change.
  9. Add the description of the organisational unit to the data collection:

  10. Generate the analysis. Profit displays it in Microsoft Excel.
  11. Delete the top three lines, so the line with the column names is at the top:

  12. Save the Excel file and close it.


    You should close the Excel file entirely, otherwise you will not be able to open it in Microsoft Visio.

Step 2: Create an organisation chart in Microsoft Visio for AFAS Online

You import the Excel file into Microsoft Visio and use a wizard to create a diagram from the organisation chart.

To create an organisation chart in Microsoft Visio:

  1. Start Microsoft Visio.
  2. Start the 'Organization Chart Wizard'.

  3. Select Gegevens die al in een bestand of database zijn opgeslagen.
  4. Click on: Next
  5. Select Een tekst, Org Plus- (*txt) of Excel-bestand.

  6. Click on: Next
  7. Select the Excel file.
  8. Click on: Next
  9. Enter the code of the organisational unit in Name and the parent organisational unit in Rapporteert aan.

  10. Click on: Next
  11. Select the fields you want to show in the diagram, for example:

  12. Click on: Next
  13. Move all layers to Shapegegevensvelden. This helps Visio distinguish the layers in the organisation chart.

  14.  Select Ik wil dat het organigram automatisch over de pagina’s wordt verdeeld.

    For large organisation charts, you can try out this option if you want: Ik wil opgeven hoeveel er op elke pagina moet worden weergegeven

  15. Click on: Finish

Below is an example of the result based on the ERPDEMO example environment:

Directly to

  1. Configure an organisation chart
  2. Automatically determine the manager
  3. Add an organisation chart structure
  4. Add an organisational unit type
  5. Add an organisational unit
  6. View
  7. View HR reports with an organisation chart
  8. Configure the organisation chart including the position allocation
  9. Transfer an organisation chart to Microsoft Visio from AFAS Online