Why do leave entries on TOIL (Time off in lieu) not have an influence on the TOIL balance?
The basic leave type for the leave type is Time off in lieu. Because of this, Profit accrues the balance on the basis of the actual costing in Profit Projecten and not on the basis of the leave entries in Profit HR.
If you change the basic leave type to Leave, Profit accrues the balance on the basis of the leave entries in Profit HR.
Why has the leave balance for the following year suddenly appeared on the leave card?
Profit displays the leave entitlement because the period table is automatically extended. Profit always extends the period table six months in advance.
If you do not want to display the leave entitlement for the next year, you have the following options:
- You can delete the next year in the period table. We do not advise this.
- You can add a view in which the next year is not displayed by applying a filter.
- You can enter an end date in the properties of the leave type. We do not advise this.
Why does the following message appear: (Part of) the leave entry period is not within the employee's contract period. Adjust the start and/or (expected) end date of the leave entry and try again.
The message appears if the start or end date of the leave entry is outside the start or end date of the employee’s contract.
If the message appears while the employee has a new follow on contract, then check if the last but one contract has an employment end date. If an employment end date has been entered, remove it. After this, the message no longer appears.
Why is the duration of the leave in an existing leave entry incorrect after changing the timetable of the employee?
If an employee is given a different timetable, it could be that the leave duration according to the leave entries that have already been recorded, is no longer correct. When recalculating the leave duration, you make a distinction between employees with a specified timetable and those with a non-specified timetable:
- Fixed working hours per day (specified timetable)
If the employee is given a different timetable, Profit recalculates all relevant leave entries.
An employee works from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00 with a break of 30 minutes.
Why is it not possible for an employee to select all leave types?
If a leave type is not available for the employee but you do want to post an entry to the leave type, check the configuration in Profit. You check the following:
- Check the employee's contract to see which term of employment and employment type applies to the employee.
- Check in the CLA/term of employment whether the employment type includes holiday and/or 'ATV' entitlement. For example with casual staff or temporary staff this is often not the case.
- Check the start date of the leave type.
- In the properties of the leave type, check whether Profit tracks the balance. If this is not the case, you can still post to the leave type, but Profit will not maintain leave balance lines.
Does the employee retain the leave balances when changing CLA?
If an employee switches CLAs but stay with the same employer, he retains his leave entitlement. This is because the leave entitlement is saved by leave type. It is true that you record the settings per leave type per CLA, but not the leave type itself.
Does the employee retain the leave balances if the employee leaves employment and then enters employment again?
In this situation the employee does not retain the leave balances, not even if he returns to the same employer. If necessary, you can add leave corrections to ensure that the employee has the correct leave entitlement.
How do I set the next year in composite leave?
How do I configure the statutory and the non-statutory holidays?
How do I configure parental leave?
Why does the leave request not go to the employee's manager?