Configure a dossier item for a profile with linked document

You automatically generate a document in InSite which is then registered in the dossier (as an attachment to a dossier item). You configure a dossier item type for this.


You use a profile to report the start of employment for new employees and to generate an employment contract and non-disclosure agreement. Therefore you need a dossier item type with the destination Employee that can be used in InSite.

To configure a dossier item type:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Open the properties of the dossier item type..
    • Go to the tab: General.

      The Link file check box must be selected.

    • Go to the tab: In & OutSite.

      The dossier item type must be configured for InSite.

    • Go to the tab: Destination.

    The correct destination should be mandatory or optional. The Submit in InSite check box must be selected.

    You must, in any case, set the Employee employment destination to Optional because, if not, you will not be able to select the dossier item when linking to a profile for InSite.

  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Open the properties of the site and activate the page belonging to this dossier item type.

See also

Directly to

  1. Configure a profile with a linked document
  2. Configure documents for profiles
  3. Configure a dossier item for a profile with linked document
  4. Link a document to a profile
  5. Configure a workflow for a profile with linked document