Enter hours for another employee using InSite

You can enter and change the actual costing (hours) for another employee using InSite. This function is also available in Profit Windows.

Because of the ESS/MSS separation of duties you cannot enter any hours for yourself using the below procedure. You can only do this from Enter hours using InSite.


You can only change entries if these have not yet been approved, reported ready or invoiced.

To enter and change hours for another employee:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with your user name and password.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Click on:  / My employees or click on Projects.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the menu item may deviate.

    Ins_Uren boeken via Insite (10)

  5. Click on: Enter hours.
  6. Select the Actual costing per line Web (Profit) entry layout.
  7. Select the employee.
  8. Enter a value in Year.
  9. Enter a value in Period.
  10. Click on the action: F5. Select.

    The entry window shows the existing lines that have been entered for the employee, financial year and period combination. At the bottom of the entry program you see the total number of hours entered for each day, if you have included this field in the entry layout.

    Ins_Uren boeken voor andere medewerker in InSite (10)

    Complete the entry line. You can also change an existing line.

    Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Actual costing/hours in InSite
  2. Enter hours by line in InSite
  3. Enter hours per week using InSite
  4. Enter and change hours for another employee using InSite
  5. Approve hours and report them ready using InSite