Use order proposal to purchase a complete assembly
If you have assembled items in stock, but you do not assemble them yourself, you can use the order proposal to purchase the complete assembled item automatically.
Use order proposal to purchase an assembly automatically:
- Go to: Order Management / Item / Assembled item.
- Open the properties of the assembled item of the ‘Assembly’ type.
- Go to the tab: Stock.
- In Stock profile select a stock profile with stock replenishment, for example Small qty in stock, purch large orders immediately or Always in stock or High turnover rate / Bulk purchase.
- If you do not select a stock profile, you must set the fields manually:
- In Order proposal with sales, select one of the options Always (entire order line processed via purchase order) (A) or Always ask (regardless of stock shortage) (S).
- Select the Stock replenishment check box.
- Select Check for available stock (sales order and packing slip) for Stock check.
- In Minimum stock, enter the minimum stock level for the item, for example, 1.
- In Supplement to enter the stock level up to which you want to assemble/purchase new items, for example, 2.
- Select Purchase for Stock replenishment method.
If preferred you can also select Purchase or assemble if you sometimes want to purchase the assembled item and sometimes want to assemble it yourself, depending on what is important at that moment: speed or low costs.
- Complete the remaining fields.
- Click on: Finish.
To add a sales order:
- Add a sales order for this assembled item.
To generate an order proposal:
- Generate the order proposal using the normal procedure.
You can see that an order proposal has been created for the assembled item.
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