
A unit is a quantity of an item with which it is counted, for instance, a purchase order for 50 pieces or a sales order for 10 boxes..


In Profit, items always have a basic unit and sometimes extra units.

The basic unit is the smallest quantity of an item for which orders can be entered. The basic unit is the defining factor for the stock valuation of the article. Profit always calculates the stock based on basic units.

Both the transfer price and the cost price are also linked to the basic unit.

You can add other units to an item. In this way, you can order or sell the item or print it on the various forms in units other than the basic unit.


Suppose you sell bottles of soft drinks. The basic unit is Piece. The stock value is based on the number of bottles. However, you purchase 24-bottle crates. You therefore add the unit 'Crate' that converts the basic unit into crates. You can then use the 'Crate' unit in the purchase entry layout.


You can only add additional units and change the basic unit if both the Purchase and the Sales functionality is activated.


Also see