Logistics configuration
Profit Order management is integrated with other Profit modules and this affects its configuration.
You typically follow the same sequence to configure Profit Logistics.
Together with your consultant, you decide which functions to activate in Profit. For example, Stock. Next you must configure Profit Financieel (or have it configured) with ledger accounts and journals. You add the article groups in Profit Order management in order to add articles to them. Examples of article groups are 'Shoes', 'Boots' and 'Bags'. You could then set and analyse margins at the article group level. For every article you select a basic unit, such as 'Pieces'. If applicable, you can add extra units such as 'Pallet'.
You then link the logistics processes to journals in the financial administration using the integration types.
If applicable, add Costs. By costs we mean amounts that you want to charge to your sales contacts, such as call-out fees, lunch expenses, etc.
You then post the current stock to the articles and configure the sales process. Then you determine your prices and discounts. You add these to your articles. You do this in the configuration stage, but it is, of course, also a continuing process. You also configure the purchase process. Finally, you configure the checks for the declarations, for instance of the VAT.
- Integration of Profit Logistics with Profit Financial
From the Purchase and Sales processes, as well as the Stock administration, you have to deal with Profit Financieel. After all, whether or not you make a profit is decided by the value of the purchases, the sales and the stock. That is why you create links from these three components (provided you use them) to Profit Financieel. These links are called the Types of integration.
- Integration types for Logistics
Per transaction type, you add an integration type to the Order management process. The integration type ensures that the transactions are registered in the correct journals in Profit Financial.
- Configure the allocation for journalising from Logistics
You can allocate the sales invoices (and, if applicable, the purchase invoices) from Order management in Profit Financial so that you get a clearer view of your costs and revenues.
See also:
- Configure article groups for integration
- Master data in multiple Profit modules
- Authorise master data