Add OutSite authorisation roles using an import or UpdateConnector

When you add a contact person or person using an import or an UpdateConnector, you can also import the OutSite authorisation.

Import contact persons for organisations and persons

You use the import to enable the portal access for a new contact person or person. You cannot import more than one role.


  • Allow this person access to shielded part of the portal(s)
  • E-mail access
  • Authorisation role

    Use the literal description of the authorisation role. For example, 'Beheerder klantportal'. You can include the role in the import file or you can use a fixed value in the import definition.

Import functions:

Import a new organisation with one new contact person. Grant access to the portal in the contact person fields.

  • CRM / Management / Import CRM / Organisation new
  • CRM / Management / Import / Organisation new/change

Import a new person:

  • CRM / Management / Import / Individual new
  • CRM / Management / Import / New person/entry


Use the UpdateConnectors listed below. For more information, please refer to the description of the UpdateConnector.

  • KnOrganisation

    UpdateConnector to add and change organisations. You can directly add a contact with portal access.

  • KnContact

    UpdateConnector to change contacts at organisations.

    • You can enable or disable the portal access for users.
    • You can enable OutSite groups for users.
  • KnPerson

    UpdateConnector to add and change persons. When adding a person, you can also set the portal access.

Directly to

  1. Authorisation roles
  2. Add and authorise contact persons for OutSite
  3. Authorise existing contact persons for OutSite
  4. Add and authorise a person for OutSite
  5. Add OutSite authorisation roles using an import or UpdateConnector